[mod.computers.vax] Writing RT-11 tapes under VMS


>>> I am trying to write a 1600bpi 9-track tape from our VAX that
>>> can be read by an RT11 system.  Any help as to how to do this
>>> will be mucho appreciated.

I asked my local telephone support centre that question, as the
EXCHANGE documentation suggested that it ought to be capable of
carrying out the task, but the hooks weren't there.  It turns
out that a FILES-11 tape, as written by VMS, is readable by
RT-11, so long as one follows some guidelines :-

The tape should be written with fixed-length blocks of 512 bytes.
Records should be converted to stream format.
I think that's all you have to worry about.

Philip Taylor (RHBNC; Univ. of London) <CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB>