[mod.computers.vax] Getting information about LAT

GKN@SDSC.BITNET (Gerard K. Newman) (07/26/86)

        From:    dstevens(David L Stevens)%sitvxb.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA
        Subject: Help needed accessing LAT data structures.
        Date:    Wed, 23 Jul 86 15:54:43 EDT

        ...  Now once I connect to the VAX I need a way to get that
        information.  I know LATCP will show me my PRO's service name if
        I do a SHOW SERVER command.  But I need a way for a user program
        to get at that information.  Is there a system service call that
        I missed, or a utility I don't know about.  Even the VMS data-
        structure that contains the information would be appreciated at
        this point.

As far as I know there is no system service to return this information.
However, I do have some code which will return the server name (and it
used to return the line number and session number in older versions of
the DECserver-100 code, but that broke just recently).  Basically you
have to pop into kernel mode, hunt down the UCB for the LAT terminal
in question, chase down this thing called a CSB (circuit state block)
and dig information out of it.

A subroutine which does this is at the end of this message.

I figured all of this out by digging around in the fiche (V4.2).  I
notice that the LTDRIVER (or any of the rest of the things involved with
LAT, for that matter) listings are no longer in the V4.4 fiche.  I
wonder if this is on purpose or if it is an oversight...


USPS:   Gerard K. Newman
        San Diego Supercomputer Center
        P.O. Box 85608
        San Diego, CA  92138
AT&T:   (619) 534-5076                  <-- new phone number


[please note that this is only part of a much longer program, and I have
only included the pieces which are relevant to LAT]

        $UCBDEF                         ;Define UCB offsets
        $TTYUCBDEF                      ;Define terminal-specific UCB offsets

; Constants that are likely to change in a future release of VMS that are not
; defined in  SYS.STB or in a  macro anywhere.  These  values come from fiche
; 687, panels  C14 and C15.  The fields in  the remote virtual circuit ID are
; from observation of DECserver-100s.

CSB_B_SERVER    =       ^X1C            ;Offset in the CSB to the server name le
CSB_T_SERVER    =       ^X1D            ;Offset in the CSB to the server name st
CSB_Z_DST       =       ^X2E            ;Offset in the CSB to the server Etherne
t address
CSB_B_REMIDN    =       ^X5E            ;Offset to the CSB remote ID
UCB$L_LT_CSB    =       ^X134           ;Offset in the UCB to the CSB address
UCB$B_LT_REMID  =       ^X140           ;Offset in the UCB to the remote virtual
 circuit ID

        .Subtitle       LOOKUP_LAT      - Look up the location of a LAT terminal

; ----- LOOKUP_LAT:  Look up the location of a LAT terminal
; This routine will go find out the server name and remote line # of a
; terminal connected via LAT.  If the  server name in the CSB is null,
; then the Ethernet address will be used in its place.
; Inputs:
;       R9      - Current PIB address
; Outputs:
;       PIB$L_LOCADDR & PIB$L_LOCLENG filled in in the current PIB.

LOOKUP_LAT:                             ;Here to look up a LAT terminal

        CLRL    SERVER_LENG             ;No server name yet
        CLRQ    PIB$L_LOCLENG(R9)       ;And therefore no location
        MOVL    R9,PIB                  ;Copy the current PIB address
        $CMKRNL_S B^50$                 ;First thing to do is to find the UCB
        BLBC    R0,40$                  ;Nope

; Now format a line which contains the server name and line ID (or the
; Ethernet address and line ID for servers without names)

        MOVAB   LT_FAO,R0               ;Presume that we have a server name
        MOVAL   SERVER_ARGS,R1          ;Address the argument list
        MOVL    SERVER_LENG,(R1)+       ;Copy the length of the server name
        BEQL    10$                     ;If EQL the server doesn't have a name
        MOVAB   SERVER_BUFF,(R1)+       ;Copy the address of the server name
        BRB     30$                     ;Join common code

; The server doesn't have a name.  Use the Ethernet address instead (really
; should come up with something better...)

10$:    MOVAB   ETHER_FAO,R0            ;Sigh.  Use the Ethernet address
        MOVAL   -(R1),R1                ;Back up the arg list pointer
        MOVL    #6,R2                   ;Loop count for the Ethernet address
        MOVAB   SERVER_ETHER,R3         ;Address the server's Ethernet address

20$:    MOVZBL  (R3)+,(R1)+             ;Copy the Ethernet address
        SOBGTR  R2,20$                  ;One byte at a time

; Common code to compute the remote server port number and session number

30$:    EDIV    #4,SERVER_REMID,(R1),4(R1) ;Compute the port and session number
        INCL    (R1)+                   ;The first port is numbered 1
        TSTL    (R1)                    ;However, session 4 comes out
        BNEQ    35$                     ; as remainder 0
        MOVL    #4,(R1)                 ;So we'll make it session 4 if need be.

; Format the location

35$:    MOVL    #24,PIB$L_LOCLENG(R9)   ;Reset the output descriptor length
        MOVAB   LOC_BUFF,PIB$L_LOCADDR(R9) ;Use this for an output buffer
        $FAOL_S CTRSTR=(R0),-           ;Format the location string
                OUTBUF=PIB$L_LOCLENG(R9),- ;Output buffer is here
                OUTLEN=PIB$L_LOCLENG(R9),- ;Return the length here
                PRMLST=SERVER_ARGS      ;Here are the arguments

40$:    RSB                             ;Done !

; Here in kernel mode to find the suspect LAT UCB (and the CSB)

50$:    .Word   ^M<R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R9,R10,R11> ;Here to find the LT UCB

        MOVL    PIB,R1                  ;Address our PIB
        MOVAB   PIB$L_TERMLENG(R1),R1   ;Point to the device name descriptor
        BSBW    FIND_UCB                ;Go hunt down the UCB
        BLBC    R0,60$                  ;Oh well ... the terminal disconnected o
ut from underneath us

; Ensure that we use the LT UCB rather than the VT UCB just in case we have
; a disconnectable LAT terminal.

        MOVL    UCB$L_TL_PHYUCB(R1),R1  ;Chain to the "real" UCB
        BGEQ    60$                     ;Eh?

; Obtain the circuit state block (CSB) address, the server name and the
; remote line ID

        MOVL    UCB$L_LT_CSB(R1),R0     ;Get the CSB address
        BEQL    60$                     ;Nope (??)

; Note: My present understanding of the remote ID bit is somewhat limited.
;       From cursory  examination  of a running  DECserver-100, it appears
;       that it  allocates 4 IDs per port,  assigning RVCIs 1-4 to port 1,
;       5-8 to  port 2,  and so on.  I have  no idea what a DECSA terminal
;       server uses as it's RVCIs.

        MOVZBL  UCB$B_LT_REMID(R1),SERVER_REMID  ;Get the remote port number
        MOVZBL  CSB_B_SERVER(R0),SERVER_LENG     ;Copy the server name length
        MOVQ    CSB_T_SERVER(R0),SERVER_BUFF     ;Copy the
        MOVQ    CSB_T_SERVER+8(R0),SERVER_BUFF+8 ; server name
        MOVL    CSB_Z_DST(R0),SERVER_ETHER       ;Copy the server's
        MOVW    CSB_Z_DST+4(R0),SERVER_ETHER+4   ; Ethernet address
        MOVL    #SS$_NORMAL,R0          ;Success !

60$:    RET                             ;Back to user mode, status in R0