8250480@UWAV4.BITNET.UUCP (07/26/86)
The journal is sent free to faculty members in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. If you are a CS/EE faculty member, and are not now receiving the journal, send a request to: Richard W. Beane Digital Equipment Corporation 77 Reed Road, HL02-3/K11 Hudson, MA 01749 Other people can order the journal from Digital Press. The document order number is EY-3435E-DP, and the price is $15.00 per issue. The address for ordering is: Digital Press Order Processing Digital Equipment Corporation 12-A Esquire Road Billerica, MA 01862
beane@RDVAX.DEC.COM (Dick Beane 225-5919) (07/28/86)
DIGITAL TECHNICAL JOURNAL NOTICE I understand that someone has entered some information about the Digital Technical Journal, published by Digital Equipment Corporation. Unfortunately, that information is incomplete. The Journal IS sent free of charge to qualified faculty members in computer science and electrical engineering. If you are a faculty member and have not received a copy, please send me a message with your name, title, and your mailing address at your institution; I'll send copies of the first two issues. However, if you are NOT a faculty member, you must purchase copies for $15 each from the Digital Press. There have been two issues published so far, the first on the VAX 8600 processor, the second on the MicroVAX II system. The Part Number for issue 1 is EY-3435E-DP The Part Number for issue 2 is EY-3474E-DP For the first few issues, the journal will be published twice a year and will be sold on a per-issue basis. Eventually, we intend to publish on a quarterly basis, and annual subscriptions will then be available. Ordering Information for Purchasing Please include your name, mailing address, the Part Number(s) that you want, the title, the quantity, and your remittance. Send orders to Digital Press Educational Services Order Processing 12A Esquire Road North Billerica, MA 01862 You can place Mastercard or VISA orders by calling this number. Dick Beane, Editor Digital Technical Journal