[mod.computers.vax] Process Deletion problem *SOLVED*

todd@CINCOM.UMD.EDU.UUCP (07/30/86)

My complements to those who responded (correctly) so quickly
to yesterday's query. Here is a summary, for those who
were at all curious...

	While attempting to read from certain files from
	within a FORTRAN program (for simulations), the current
	process was unexpectedly deleted. No logout message was
	delivered, and the termination status in the accounting
	was SS$_NORMAL.  The problem was consistent, in that
	attempting to read the same file at a later date would
	end in the same situation (process deletion).

	The principle suggestion I received was that certain
	errors in EXEC mode could cause a NON-FATAL BUGCHECK,
	which results in immediate process deletion. I quickly
	ran to ANALYZE/ERROR/INCLUDE=BUGCHECK, and lo and behold,
	there it was! My process was experiencing non-fatal
	bugchecks.  The reason: "RMSBUG, RMS has detected an
	invalid condition". So I quickly ran to ANALYZE/RMS
	on the file in question, and lo and behold, VBN 1
	had an invalid record terminator (or some such). So
	RMS choked on this file that apparently had a bad
	or missing end-of-record.

Incidentally, the file was created with GNU Emacs, and
there was no line-feed after the last line in the file 
in question. I added a line feed (go to the end of the
last line, then type ^N), looked at the file with ANALYZE,
and the problem was gone.

Morals of the story:

	If you are using GNU Emacs, it might save some head-
	scratching to make certain there is a line-feed at
	the end. If this problem involves sufficiently
	many people, perhaps Emacs will be modified to add
	the final record terminator.

	If you start losing processes, look in the system
	error log for BUGCHECKs. I've heard so far of only
	one other way to lose the process, and that is a
	$EXIT in kernel mode (so I hear).

Thanks, guys!

Todd Aven
Systems Engineering, Inc.