[mod.computers.vax] Unable to clear "new mail" prompts

jmleonar@CRDEC.ARPA ("Dr. Joseph M. Leonard") (08/14/86)

This is (yet another?) request for the method to clear whatever flag is
currently hung that informs that I have new mail (when none is present)...
Please answer directly to me, as the net has seen this before (and I SHOULD
have known better!).

                                             Joe Leonard

Disclaimer: The views of my employer do not conform to my views, or to any
            accepted standard of logic that the Greeks thought up anyway...

vtcf@NCSC.ARPA (Williams) (08/15/86)

Could you send me a copy of what you get as an answer to this problem?
I have the same problem, and haven't been on the net that long. Thanks.

art@MITRE.ARPA (Art McClinton) (08/18/86)

I had previously responded only to Joe, but with a second response on the
net will summarize my comments.

To remove the "new mail" phantom prompt one needs to get into mail
and issue the SELECT/NEW command.  If it finds zero mail messages waiting
it will correct the pointer stored in the mail database.  This is not the
only command that will accomplish this.  
- Arthur T. McClinton Jr., (703) 883-6356 
   The MITRE Corporation, Mail Stop Z305
   1820 Dolley Madison Blvd.
   McLean, VA   22102


    This is (yet another?) request for the method to clear whatever flag is
    currently hung that informs that I have new mail (when none is present)...
    Please answer directly to me, as the net has seen this before....

    Subject: Re:  Unable to clear "new mail" prompts
    From: vtcf@ncsc.ARPA (Williams)
    To: info-vax@sri-kl.ARPA, jmleonar@crdec.ARPA

    Could you send me a copy of what you get as an answer to this problem?
    I have the same problem, and haven't been on the net that long. Thanks.
I'm posting this to INFOVAX because it it SO commonly asked - and the answer
is so simple:

	Go into mail.  Read your new mail until you have read it all.  Then
	type READ/NEW again.  Any time you do a READ/NEW with no new mail
	actually pending, MAIL will reset the count.

							-- Jerry