DCOTTLER%rca.com@RELAY.CS.NET (Dan Cottler) (09/04/86)
The following article was posted on the Digital Software Information Network back in April. It contains patches that will fix the density changing problems... BACKUP-E-DENSITY Error On 2nd Tape Volume: VMS V4.3 DATE: 04-Apr-1986 13:27:00 OVERVIEW: This article contains a patch to fix a problem with the BACKUP utility. DIGITAL recommends that you do not apply this patch unless you are experiencing the precise symptoms detailed in the statement of the problem below. Also, if you anticipate that you might experience this problem because you make use of the BACKUP utility you should apply this patch. If you are encountering other symptoms associated with the use of BACKUP please contact your Customer Support Center to obtain more system- or situation-specific information. The total length of this article is approximately 155 lines. CAUTION ******************************************************************* This patch must be applied ONLY on version V4.3 of VMS. It must be entered EXACTLY as shown. Please be careful to enter all letters (in UPPERCASE) and numbers as indicated, observing the spacing as shown. ALL COMMENTS MUST BE INCLUDED. ALL SPACING IS DONE WITH A SINGLE SPACE CHARACTER; TABS AND DUPLICATE SPACES DO NOT EXIST IN THE PATCH FILE. The patch file will checksum itself, and the patch file will not execute unless the checksum is correct. Failure to make use of the checksum (i.e., circumventing the checksum steps by simply patching the image given the information in the patch file) may corrupt the image you are patching, and leave you with an unusable operating system and/or utility. ************************************************************************** PROBLEM STATEMENT: Backup operations to tape that require more than one tape will receive the following error message on a volume switch: %BACKUP-E-DENSITY, "saveset" does not support specified density - default used This error will occur ONLY on the 2nd reel and not on subsequent volume changes. A side effect is that BACKUP will write to subsequent tapes at the density the tape was previously written. This means that if one is doing a backup operation at 6250, and the backup command does not include /DENSITY, BACKUP will start writing at 1600 BPI if the new tape mounted on the drive had been previously written at 1600 BPI. WORKAROUND: To prevent both the BACKUP-E-DENSITY message and a density switch, use the /DENSITY qualifier on the backup command. In situations where it is undesireable to modify existing procedures, a global symbol can be set up as follows: BACKUP = "BACKUP/DENSITY=x" This global symbol can be set up in SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM if needed. This workaround does not apply if your tape drive either supports 6250 BPI or caching. Currently, the only tape drive that supports caching is the TU81E. In such cases, we recommend that the following patch be applied. Additionally, we recommend the application of the patch if the workaround given does not suit your needs. PROCEDURE FOR APPLYING PATCH: 1. Log in to the system as username SYSTEM (the account reserved for software updates). 2. Set your default directory to SYS$UPDATE with the command: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 3. The following patch will patch your backup image that is used for online backups. Create a file called BACKUP.PAT, which contains the following 21 lines of text: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ CHECKSUM BACKUP.PAT $ X='CHECKSUM$CHECKSUM' $ IF X.NE.%X37204B55 THEN GOTO IC ! 37204B55 $ ON WARNING THEN EXIT $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ COPY SYS$SYSTEM:BACKUP.EXE BACKUP.EXE $ PATCH/JOUR=BACKUP/OUTPUT=BACKUP BACKUP SET ECO 3 VERIFY/BYTE 103D7=31 DELETE/INSTRUCTION 103DE='MOVL R0,R8' EXAMINE/INSTRUCTION 103D7 DEFINE DEST_3=\ INSERT/INSTRUCTION DEST_3='CALLS #01,L^0000F5D6' 'MOVL R0,R8' EXIT UPDATE $ COPY BACKUP.EXE SYS$SYSTEM:BACKUP.EXE $ DELETE BACKUP.EXE.* $ EXIT $ IC:WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "INCORRECT CHECKSUM; VERIFY CONTENTS OF FILE" $ EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Execute the patch command file with the command: $ @BACKUP.PAT 5. You may delete the BACKUP.PAT patch file once you have successfully applied the patch, or you may leave it on your system for potential future diagnostic needs. 6. The following patch will patch your backup image that is used for stand alone backups. Create a file called STABACKUP.PAT, which contains the fol- lowing 21 lines of text: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ CHECKSUM STABACKUP.PAT $ X='CHECKSUM$CHECKSUM' $ IF X.NE.%X513D4F57 THEN GOTO IC ! 513D4F57 $ ON WARNING THEN EXIT $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ COPY SYS$SYSTEM:STABACKUP.EXE STABACKUP.EXE $ PATCH/JOUR=STABACKUP/OUTPUT=STABACKUP STABACKUP SET ECO 4 VERIFY/BYTE 12DDB=17 DELETE/INSTRUCTION 12DE2='MOVL R0,R8' EXAMINE/LONG 12DDB+2 DEFINE DEST_4=.+\+4 INSERT/INSTRUCTION DEST_4='CALLS #01,L^00011FDA' 'MOVL R0,R8' EXIT UPDATE $ COPY STABACKUP.EXE SYS$SYSTEM:STABACKUP.EXE $ DELETE STABACKUP.EXE.* $ EXIT $ IC:WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "INCORRECT CHECKSUM; VERIFY CONTENTS OF FILE" $ EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Execute the patch command file with the command: $ @STABACKUP.PAT 8. You will need to reinvoke STABACKIT.COM to recreate your stand-alone backup kit. 9. You may delete the STABACKUP.PAT patch file once you have successfully applied the patch, or you may leave it on your system for potential future diagnostic needs. [end of article]