[mod.computers.vax] Library system software for VAX 750

duncan@munnari.UUCP (Duncan McEwan) (09/27/86)

I would like to know if anybody has had experience with using a VAX 750
to run a library system for a University library which has approx 600,000
books and periodicals.

Could anyone tell me how well a 750 could handle the tasks of issuing,
cataloguing etc, this number of books.

Also, does anybody know of specific systems that are available.
   - Does the software run under VMS or Unix?
   - How much does it cost?
   - Where is it available from?
   - Anything else you can tell me regarding limitations, response
     time, general satisfaction, etc.

Could you please reply by email to one of the addresses below.  This
article is being posted from a guest usercode on munnari.  Though we
get a limited newsfeed in NZ, we are not yet able to post articles.

Thanks in advance for your time.

Duncan McEwan

Computer Science Department, Victoria University of Wellingon,
Private Bag, Wellington, New Zealand.
ACSnet: duncan@vuw90x.nz
UUCP:   "...!{alberta, ubc-vision}!calgary!vuw90x!duncan"
Phone:  (04) 721-000 x 455