The most recent DECUS C kit appeared on the Fall 1985 RSX SIG tape, available from the DECUS library in either BRU or VMS Backup formats. It was an "experimental" release in the sense that it was less tested than the 'official' 11-SP-18 release, but has a number of enhancements made by various workers since then. It has LOTS of tools that build just fine in native mode with VAX11 C (dozens at least) including sort, kwic, diff, tr, mc, lzcmp, lzdcm, wc, grep, t, and many more. Also some other interesting stuff like spell checkers, Basic, Focal, and suchlike... and a fairly good C preprocessor. Full sources are included there. There is also some other useful stuff on the tape, but I'd suggest it for Vax or PDP11 RSX sites as the place to go. Order number for the VMS Backup version from Decus is V-SP-50, and the BRU flavor is 11-SP-90. Both are media code PS (2400' reel of tape at 1600 BPI). Enjoy. Glenn Everhart