[mod.computers.vax] Stream_LF

chris@cooper.UUCP (10/30/86)

Re: Stream Files again.

	Most people sent 'C' code. Normally useful but the site 
lacks a VAX C compiler, but I do appreciate them for use at other sites. 
Two sent very interesting FDL files for the conversion very much like
ones I had devised myself. Only two of the responses I got were of the form:
"What you must be running VMS 3.1 and are extremely stupid."

	Thanks VERY much to all the people who sent helpful suggestions.
I greatly appreciate the time you took to try and solve my problem.
Unfortunately, no suggestion worked. (Well I couldn't try the 'C' code 
but it will help later on other sites with a 'C' license.)

So I this time I'll review the whole laborious problem:

We received a tape with a beta-test the latest version of XROFF from
Image Network. XROFF is a ditroff (troff) compatible product which
include TBL,EQN, and PIC (if you pay for it).

Well, they had sent modules compiled for VMS 4.4 which made nasty complaints
about our shared libraries and wouldn't run.
It would have been nice if the executables had worked first shot
but I understand there were massive changes in DEC's support for
'C' which resulted in these incompatiblities. (Well DEC didn't
like UNIX at first either :-)
Since grant season was upon us I was NOT about to upgrade to 4.4 during
paper writing which provides the money to keep the site going.

("Gee, they renamed DELETE to TYPE in VMS X.Y and
all your work is gone, and you did it all today so it wouldn't be on the
backup? No, no, pounding the machine into dust isn't going to help." :-)

So naturally, I relinked all the programs and they worked just fine, except
for a conversion utility CP1.EXE.  Unusually the XROFF people neglected 
to include the object module for CP1. This utility simply copies their
final stream_lf output file into a more normal fixed file type
which other utilities are much more fond of.

So I tried the previous releases' CP1.  No dice.  It produced
a very nice fixed file of NULLs.  I checked the original stream_lf output file
with DUMP and found it was full of proper HP LaserJet escape sequences.

Okay so now I tried a number of combinations of CONVERT/FDL,
APPEND'ing to an already correctly formatted file (an early VMS trick I
used to use for EUNICE files), and a number of other things.

The new version of XROFF just arrived with a new version of the CP1 object
modules and it seems to work, but I would like to be able to work
with these nasty intermediate files since I want my version of Fortran
Kermit for VMS to be able to handle these nasty buggers.

I think the QIO error results from exceeding some DIO or BIO quota,
but I would rather find a way which avoids changing all the user
quotas.  I'm curious about why the ANA/RMS fails on this file.
I suppose I shouldn't let this get to me but I found if I hit a problem
usually I have to help someone with the same problem within a year
or two, so I would like to figure this out. ( I do have a real ugly
way which I used to read funny tapes before I figured out FDL's.
Place the DUMP of the file in a file.  Read that file, decode the hex
and place the output it a nice normal file. Talk about ugly.)
Something tells me that the answer to this one is not "Fixed in 4.4".

So finally, here's the problem again.  Does anyone have any non-C code or FDL's
or explainations on how or why I can't write this file (K.C) to a 
terminal port?

Thanks for enduring all this

Chris Lent
(203) 452-1422
(Note: this is being posted from a different site than the original posting.)

Descriptive session log follows: 
(Sorry, this is so long but some people requested proof.)
(I removed VMS's formfeeds from the ANA/RMS output so not to upset various

CUPHOA::$ ! This is on VMS 4.2 
CUPHOA::$ dir/full k.c


K.C;1                         File ID:  (19345,18,0)       
Size:           27/27         Owner:    [VMS,LENT]
Created:  20-OCT-1986 16:10   Revised:  20-OCT-1986 16:10 (1)
Expires:   4-DEC-1986 22:43   Backup:    <No backup done>
File organization:  Sequential
File attributes:    Allocation: 27, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0
                    No version limit
Record format:      Stream_LF
Record attributes:  Carriage return carriage control
File protection:    System:RE, Owner:RWED, Group:, World:

Total of 1 file, 27/27 blocks.
CUPHOA::$ ana/rms k.c

Check RMS File Integrity                     28-OCT-1986 22:47:37.28   Page 1


	File ID: (19345,18,0)
	Owner UIC: [116,005]
	Protection:  System: RE, Owner: RWED, Group: , World: 
	Creation Date:   20-OCT-1986 16:10:10.34
	Revision Date:   20-OCT-1986 16:10:10.83, Number: 1
	Expiration Date:  4-DEC-1986 22:43:07.44
	Backup Date:     none posted
	Contiguity Options:  none
	Performance Options: none
	Reliability Options: none
	Journaling Enabled:  none


	File Organization: sequential
	Record Format: stream-LF
	Record Attributes:   carriage-return
	Maximum Record Size: 0
	Longest Record: 0
	Blocks Allocated: 27, Default Extend Size: 0
	End-of-File VBN: 27, Offset: %X'008A'
	Global Buffer Count: 0
***  VBN 16:  Last stream record does not contain a delimiter.
***  Drastic structure error precludes further analysis.

The analysis uncovered 2 errors.

CUPHOA::$ copy k.c tta1:
%COPY-E-WRITEERR, error writing TTA1:[]K.C;1
-RMS-F-SYS, QIO system service request failed
-SYSTEM-F-EXQUOTA, exceeded quota
CUPHOA::$ type f.fdl
        ORGANIZATION            sequential
        BLOCK_SPAN              yes
        CARRIAGE_CONTROL        carriage_return
        FORMAT                  variable
CUPHOA::$ conv/fdl=f.fdl k.c k.txt
CUPHOA::$ dir/full k.txt


K.TXT;1                       File ID:  (19340,6,0)        
Size:           27/27         Owner:    [VMS,LENT]
Created:  28-OCT-1986 22:49   Revised:  28-OCT-1986 22:49 (1)
Expires:   4-DEC-1986 22:49   Backup:    <No backup done>
File organization:  Sequential
File attributes:    Allocation: 27, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0
                    No version limit
Record format:      Variable length, maximum 5469 bytes
Record attributes:  Carriage return carriage control
File protection:    System:RE, Owner:RWED, Group:, World:

Total of 1 file, 27/27 blocks.
CUPHOA::$ copy k.txt tta1:
%COPY-E-WRITEERR, error writing TTA1:[]K.TXT;1
-RMS-F-SYS, QIO system service request failed
-SYSTEM-F-EXQUOTA, exceeded quota
CUPHOA::$ show dev tta1:/full

Terminal TTA1:, device type LA24, is online, record-oriented device, carriage

    Error count                    0    Operations completed              22381
    Owner process                 ""    Owner UIC                      [SYSTEM]
    Owner process ID        00000000    Dev Prot            S:RWLP,O:,G:,W:RWLP
    Reference count                0    Default buffer size                 132

CUPHOA::$ sh term tta1:
Terminal: _TTA1:      Device_Type: LA100         Owner: No Owner
   Input:   9600      LFfill:  0      Width: 132      Parity: None
   Output:  9600      CRfill:  0      Page:   66      
Terminal Characteristics:
   Interactive        Echo               No Typeahead       No Escape
   No Hostsync        TTsync             Lowercase          Tab
   Wrap               Hardcopy           No Remote          No Eightbit
   Broadcast          No Readsync        Form               Fulldup
   No Modem           No Local_echo      No Autobaud        No Hangup
   No Brdcstmbx       No DMA             No Altypeahd       Set_speed
   No Line Editing    Overstrike editing No Fallback        No Dialup
   No Secure server   No Disconnect      No Pasthru         No Syspassword
   No SIXEL Graphics  No Soft Characters No Printer Port    Numeric Keypad
   No ANSI_CRT        No Regis           No Block_mode      No Advanced_video
   No Edit_mode       No DEC_CRT         No DEC_CRT2
CUPHOA::$ ! Gee I wonder why one says LA24 and one LA100
CUPHOA::$ create/fdl=f.fdl nice.txt
CUPHOA::$ dir/full nice.txt


NICE.TXT;1                    File ID:  (19342,5,0)        
Size:            0/0          Owner:    [VMS,LENT]
Created:  28-OCT-1986 23:29   Revised:  28-OCT-1986 23:29 (1)
Expires:   4-DEC-1986 23:29   Backup:    <No backup done>
File organization:  Sequential
File attributes:    Allocation: 0, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0
                    No version limit
Record format:      Variable length
Record attributes:  Carriage return carriage control
File protection:    System:RE, Owner:RWED, Group:, World:

Total of 1 file, 0/0 blocks.
CUPHOA::$ append
_From: k.c
_To: nice.txt
CUPHOA::$ copy nice.txt tta1:
%COPY-E-WRITEERR, error writing TTA1:[]NICE.TXT;1
-RMS-F-SYS, QIO system service request failed
-SYSTEM-F-EXQUOTA, exceeded quota
CUPHOA::$ ana/rms/fdl k.c
CUPHOA::$ type k.fdl
IDENT	"28-OCT-1986 23:30:42	VAX/VMS ANALYZE/RMS_FILE Utility"

	SOURCE                  VAX/VMS

	ALLOCATION              27
	CLUSTER_SIZE            1
	CONTIGUOUS              no
	EXTENSION               0
	NAME                    "SYS$USERDEVICE:[LENT.XROFF.TEST]K.C;1"
	ORGANIZATION            sequential
	OWNER                   [116,5]        
	PROTECTION              (system:RE, owner:RWED, group:, world:)

	BLOCK_SPAN              yes
	CARRIAGE_CONTROL        carriage_return
	FORMAT                  stream_lf
	SIZE                    0

----------End of session log-----------------------------------------
(Sorry this was so long but I'm trying show to some individuals I'm
not nuts.)
Chris Lent        ihnp4!allegra!phri!cooper!chris  (203) 452-1522

cetron@UTAH-CS.ARPA (Edward J Cetron) (11/01/86)

	could this problem be more of the kind seen with GNU emacs
where there is no final lf as a delimiter in the last record???

	If so, I believe a quick zap can fix that.....

	you might want to check the archives for several messages from
Marty Sasaki et. al. about this same problem re: GNU emacs...

-ed cetron

carl@CITHEX.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) (11/02/86)

ANALYZE/RMS fails because the last record of the file isn't terminated by
a newline.  You're trying to output a 5469-byte record to a TERMINAL??????
In a single QIO!!!!!!!

Suggestions:  Append a record consisting of a newline to the file, and
	      RMS should be happy with the result.

	      Write a program that will read the file with the huge
	      records then send the long records to the terminal in
	      more digestible pieces (say, less than 512 bytes per
	      QIO).  You can do this in fortran by opening the file
	      for formatted I/O, using the Q format descriptor to
	      get the recordsize, and reading the record into a buffer
	      using an A format (or a series of buffers using several
	      A formats), being careful to ask for only the number of
	      bytes in the record).  You then use several writes, using
	      the $ descriptor (as the last descriptor for the record,
	      as I recall; it's in the manual) to suppress carriage
	      control, to write the data to the terminal.


    Re: Stream Files again.
    [The author reports a variety of problems with the following file:]
    K.C;1                         File ID:  (19345,18,0)       
    Size:           27/27         Owner:    [VMS,LENT]
    File organization:  Sequential
    File attributes:    Allocation: 27, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0
                        No version limit
    Record format:      Stream_LF
    Record attributes:  Carriage return carriage control

    	File Organization: sequential
    	Record Format: stream-LF
    	Record Attributes:   carriage-return
    	Maximum Record Size: 0
    	Longest Record: 0
    	Blocks Allocated: 27, Default Extend Size: 0
    	End-of-File VBN: 27, Offset: %X'008A'
    	Global Buffer Count: 0
    ***  VBN 16:  Last stream record does not contain a delimiter.
    ***  Drastic structure error precludes further analysis.
A STREAM_LF file is, to RMS, a record-oriented file - EVERYTHING is a record-
oriented file!  For a STREAM_LF file, records are terminated by linefeeds;
that is, the first record runs from byte 0 to the first LF; the second from
just after the LF to the next LF; and so on.  The last record in the file
is terminated by the end of the file, if there are no further LF's.

K.C appears to contain no LF's at all.  This produces two problems:

	1.  Since there are no LF's, the file appears to consist of a single
		very long record - about 27*512 bytes long (the final block
		may not be full - there's a "first free byte in last block"
		value in the header - I think that's what the "Offset " is.
		All the usual utilities set up buffers of some "reasonable"
		size - 1024 bytes, or whatever.  When they then try to read
		this file, their record buffers overflow and they die.

		Note that there's a field in the header that indicates how
		long the longest record in the file is.  Programs can and
		often do use this to allocate record buffers.  In this case,
		however, the value is 0, meaning "unspecified", so programs
		have to guess.  (A value of 0 here is usually the result of
		doing block operations to a record file.)

	2.  I said above that the last record ends at a final LF, or at the
		end of the file.  Well, that's not QUITE true.  There's a
		bug in RMS that causes it to die - killing your process -
		if you try to read a STREAM_LF file with no trailing LF.
		(This bug has been reported many times; I don't know if it's
		fixed in V4.4 or V4.5 or V4.?.  It's certainly in V4.3.)
		Your processes aren't running into the bug apparently because
		RMS is running into the "record too long for user's buffer"
		problem before reaching the end of the file.  ANALYZE/RMS
		IS running into the problem, but apparently is able to deal
		with it, at least to the point of given you some kind of
		description of the problem, rather than dying.

							-- Jerry