[mod.computers.vax] reading a 'corrupt' stream_LF file

dp@JASPER.Palladian.COM (Jeffrey Del Papa) (11/06/86)

    Date:     4-NOV-1986 11:24:18

    Since this has been going for days and nobody has made the suggestion
    that I was anticipating...

    If all else fails, map the file into VM with $CRMPSC. Then pass it to
    a program written in a language of your choice which interprets it as
    a string of bytes and inserts a correct record structure, writing a
    new file with RMS.

    Caveat - I have used this trick before but not for the case under

    Nigel Arnot (Dept. Physics, Kings college, Univ. of London;  U.K)

    Bitnet/NetNorth/Earn:   sysmgr@ipg.ph.kcl.ac.uk (or) sysmgr%kcl.ph.vaxa@ac.uk
	   Arpa         :   sysmgr%ipg.ph.kcl.ac.uk@ucl-cs.arpa

further caveat... many machines don't have a large enought virtualpagecnt to allow
any substantialy sized files... fixing it takes a re-boot
