[mod.computers.vax] Summary to: detect terminal speed / queue name

u3369429@murdu.OZ.AU (Michael Bednarek) (11/10/86)

Here is the customary summary to my request for information how to get hold
1) of the speed of an incoming terminal and
2) the name of a batch queue in which a job is running:

There is no way through lexical functions.
One has to perform the relevant SHOW commands, redirecting their
output to a file and analysing it.

For speed detection one can also write a program which uses QIO and returns
a global symbol.

As both methods are rather costly I'm not pursuing this idea any further.

Thanks to 
	zar@Xhmeia.Caltech.Edu (Perfect Tommy)
	Art McClinton <art@mitre.ARPA>
	Brent Sterner <A105@UWOCC1.bitnet>
	Brendan McKay <bdm@anucsd>

u3369429@murdu.OZ (Michael Bednarek)

The America's Cup: You WILL leave Perth without it!

Note to the moderator: Why didn't I see my own request in mod.computers.vax?
     I got a few answers, though. Are not all articles carried to .OZ ?