Michael J. Porter@SRI-KL.ARPA:mike%udel-oitvax.arpa@Louie.UDEL.EDU (11/14/86)
Date: Thu 13 Nov 86 17:50:24-EST From: John Hanley <OC.HANLEY%cu20b.columbia.edu@louie.udel.EDU> Subject: DECUS C and dynamic username changes Is there anyone on DECnet reasonably close to Columbia that could send me with huge physical memory requirements (ie, Lisp). Your kernel mode routine could blank out the last 2 characters of a 10 character username (I think) with something like MOVL @#SCH$GL_CURPCB, R0 MOVW #^X2020, PCB$T_LNAME+10(R0) Later, when you finish talking to the IBM, do a $GETUAI and another John Hanley, system programmer Manhattan College Computer Center Box 902, Manhattan College Riverdale, NY 10471 (212)920-0424 oc.hanley@cu20b ------- Close, but you must change the Process's control region as well if you want to change the user name. I once wrote some code that only changed the PCB, and some service out there kept copying the name in the control region into PCB - it was real strange. Anyway, change CTL$T_USERNAME. As the above code illustrates, make sure you use absolute addressing as well, or your code will not work. Mike Porter mike%udel-oitvax@louie.udel.edu ------