[mod.computers.vax] Interrupting a program...


     I would like to find a way to interrupt a program and tell it to 
discontinue what it is doing and go immediately to another section of code.
This has cropped up in a number of different situations.  An AST allows me
to interrupt the program, but there seems to be no way to continue from
another part of the program.  A Condition Handler does let me unwind the
stack, but is not generated by an interrupt.
     Has anybody out there solved this problem?  What happens if
I generate a call to a condition handler from inside of an AST (instead
of returning from the AST) and then try to unwind the stack?  Is there a better
way to proceed?
     Thanks for any help.
                                        Harvey Goldman
                                        Physics Dept.
                                        Florida State University
                                        Tallahassee, Florida 32306