[It appears that my wording in a recent info-vax message was open to misin- terpretation; I doubt Greg was the only one to read it this way. I hope he doesn't object to my making this reply, and excerpts from this note to me, public.] Your recent reply on info-vax implies that DECnet access controls are useless unless all machines on the network are secured such that hostile users don't have privileges. Is that true? Does a SYSPRV user on an unknown machine really have the ability to NCP TELL a restricted machine, or a machine with knowledge of the passwords of restricted machines, and list the access control information? No. When I talked about a user with SYSPRV being allowed in "despite such access restrictions", the antecedent of "such" was intended to be a particular kind of access restriction mentioned in the previous sentence: That control- led by the NCP SET EXEC/NODE nnn ACCESS command. These commands allow you to make an entire node accessible or not, incoming or outgoing. This is a very non-specific form of access control, and as far as I know is not in very wide-spread use. It, and no other form of access control that I know of, is over-ridden by privileges on the remote machine. (Well, that's not quite true - I think a privileged remote user can start a link to a machine whose EXEC is set to state SHUT, which normally prevents any new links from being formed. But I'm not absolutely certain of this.) I thought that any machine that wanted to use access controls in an open network should also apply an access control to NML, thereby making it impossible for Joe Random SYSPRV to list the privileged information from a remote machine. NML is (a) the Network Management Listener protocol; (b) a network object that speaks this protocol; (c) a program that implements this object. I'm not sure which of these you mean, or what kind of access controls you would apply. Normally, the remote NML runs non-privileged in the default DECnet account. It can read most information in the database - passwords definitely excepted - and it can't change anything. (Changing stuff in the permanent database requires the ability to write to the files that store it - normally, SYSPRV will do. Reading the passwords requires BYPASS. Changing the temporary database requires something like SYSPRV, I'm not sure exactly what.) The only way NML would be able to do this sort of stuff for you remotely is if it ran in an appropriately privileged account, either via a proxy - not a good idea! - or by the remote user providing explicit access control information - by using a node specification of the form NODE"privileged-username password"::. I haven't tried this myself, but if I'm right, you may want to update your comments about the ability to violate security with remote SYSPRV accounts. To reiterate, what I'm suggesting is this (and I haven't checked to be sure): If you want to secure a machine, give it a password for non-privileged connects. Now you are talking about something else again: Password protection that controls which machines can talk to each other over a given line. This is a low-level control mechanism, and has no effect on messages routed through a host once it is connected. Distribute that password to all machines that need to access the restricted machine. Then, for all machines that have the password, including the restricted machine, secure their privileged network control functions by putting a password on their NML object (since that object could be used to read or set the non-privileged password of the restricted machines). With this scheme, you need cooperation from the system managers only of the machines that will have access to the restricted machine. I'm really unclear about what problem you claim to be solving here. Now, what to do about node name aliases in the network?? GW Yet another issue, almost in a class with protection against wiretappers. Access control on DECnet is a complex subject. There's a lot of history there, and all the old mechanisms co-exist with newer, generally better mechanisms. The "Guide to Networking on VMS" contains about 12 pages of general discussion of this issue, outlining the several layers and types of such controls - plus, of course, detailed documentation of the NCP commands that implement all these controls. There is additional information in the "Guide to VAX/VMS System Security", including but not limited to a whole chapter of some 27 pages on "Security for a DECnet Node". The general security philosophy is that nodes are isolated security domains, and privilege on one node does NOT, but default, imply any special privileges on another (except in a couple of very limited special cases). Given all the readily-available information, I strongly advise anyone really concerned about this issue to do a little reading first. You are not likely to get more than an overview from anything on this list. -- Jerry -------