[mod.computers.vax] STOP/FORCE command available

SYNFUL@DRYCAS.CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU (Marc Shannon) (11/29/86)

After having my jobs get hung several times (and losing several good games
of LARN :-) ) I realized that a general program to kill running programs
without killing the process might be useful...

With this in mind, I brought out my VMS Fortran manual and started
hacking away...

Now I have a STOP/FORCE command which operates like the STOP/ID
command (STOP/FORCE/ID=nnn or STOP/FORCE process-name) and in fact has
an additional qualifier /ERROR=nn which will cause the image to exit
with error nn (hex).

If anyone is interested in this code (a total of 5 files totalling
33 blocks) I will be happy to send it, preferably via Bitnet SEND/FILE
but I can also mail it.  Just let me know.

--Marc Shannon

  Local CMU Comp. Club hacker