[mod.computers.vax] BITNET Vax mailing list


While attempting to find a solution to the Arpa/Wiscvm/Bitnet congestion
problem, I came across the following, which may be of interest to other
INFO-VAX subscribers:

>The VAX Toolbox ...... A magazine for VAX users, of course.
>                       Back issues available from TCSSERVE@TCSVM.
>                       For a subscription send the following command to
>                       LISTSERV@CMUCCVMA: SUBSCRIBE MD42 your-full-name
>                       Or send a mail message to the Editor BOAG@MUVMS1.

Selden E. Ball, Jr.

Cornell University                 NYNEX: 1-607-255-0688
Laboratory of Nuclear Studies     BITNET: SYSTEM@CRNLNS
Wilson Synchrotron Lab              ARPA: SYSTEM%CRNLNS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU
Judd Falls & Dryden Road          PHYSnet/HEPnet/SPAN:
Ithaca, NY, USA  14853             LNS61::SYSTEM = 44283::SYSTEM (node 43.251)