[mod.computers.vax] %PSM-E-WRITEERR ??


After connecting up a couple of LN03+s off terminal lines on a
DMF32 and a DMZ32 as spooled devices, we're seeing this for
moderately large files (over 100 blocks) spooled to them:

 %PSM-E-WRITEERR, error writing _TXB5:
 -SYSTEM-F-TIMEOUT, device timeout

Which is perhaps due to timeout in either the print symbiont or
terminal line handler?  We are using XON/XOFF flow control,
and I've tried slowing the things down from 9600bps, but
to no apparent effect.

Any suggestions?  Perhaps some obscure SYSGEN parameter?  Or,
could this possibly be a VMS4.3 bug of some kind?

Bob Cunningham, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics