[mod.computers.vax] process quotas


This is my understanding of process page quotas.  Somebody let me know if I've
got it wrong.

To compute process virtual page count, subtract the process parameter PAGFILCNT
from PGFLQUOTA.  You can use $GETJPI or F$GETJPI to get the values.

PGFLQUOTA is really virtual page quota.  The parameter got its name because the
pagefile is backing store for writable pages.  PAGFILCNT is like other process
quota counts--it's the number of pages left of the quota.

If you want swapfile usage for a process, compute:

swap_pages = ((ppgcnt + gpgcnt) DIV mpw_wrtcluster + 1) * mpw_wrtcluster

PPGCNT and GPGCNT are process parameters that count private and global pages,
and MPW_WRTCLUSTER is a SYSGEN parameter that is basically the swapfile page
I/O clustersize.