[mod.computers.vax] Virtual pages - 126 lines

McGuire_Ed@GRINNELL.MAILNET (12/22/86)

Brian McKeever (MCKEEVER@UMKCVAX1.BITNET) wrote to me the other day asking me
how to compute virtual pages in use by a process.  He said that he tried
subtracting the process parameter FREPTECNT from the SYSBOOT parameter
VIRTUALPAGECNT, but it was always 72 pages less than SHOW PROCESS/CONTINUOUS.

I'm writing this long note for the following reasons:

-  In my ignorance, I have been confusing VIRTUALPAGECNT and PGFLQUOTA, and
   this is reflected in an error in the procedure SWAPFILE.COM which I
   distributed a while back.

-  I found the missing 72 pages, and the story is interesting.

-  Now I have two new questions about virtual page management which I can't
   answer, and I hope someone on this list can.

1.  I thought in my ignorance that the process parameter PGFLQUOTA limited the
    total size of the process address space.  In fact, PGFLQUOTA limits the
    number of demand-zero pages and copy-on-reference section pages, i.e.
    pages that might end up in the page file.  I got mixed up when I found out
    that PGFLQUOTA does not limit the al number of pages that are actually IN
    the page file, only the number of pages that COULD BE PUT IN the page

    So SWAPFILE.COM, the procedure I wrote which displays information about
    process memory usage, says it reports virtual page count in its output.
    But what it's really doing is subtracting PAGFILCNT from PGFLQUOTA.  This
    is in fact another useful number, the local writeable page count, alias
    the page file quota used.

    I'm going to put the right column titles into SWAPFILE.COM, and add code
    to correctly compute virtual pages if the numbers are available from DCL.
    If you want the corrected version, send me a note.

2.  Here's what I learned about the parts of the process header that control
    virtual pages.  I had to go all over the internals manual and experiment
    to get this info.  Some of the definitions in the internals manual are
    wrong.  I hope this is all right.


    Item       Unit     Description
    2^21       page     Number of pages in P0, P1, S0, or S1 space

    P0BR       address  Virtual address of the bottom of the P0 page table

    P0LR       page     Number of used longwords in the P0 page table
                        (beginning at P0BR); number of pages in P0 space

    FREP0VA    address  Virtual address of first nonexistent page in P0
                        page; always equal to P0LR x 512

    P1BR       address  Virtual address of the first page of the P1 page
                        table (P1 expands from 7FFFFFFF[16] toward smaller
                        addresses, so a longword at this address would
                        describe the page at virtual address 40000000[16])

    P1LR       page     Number of unused longwords in the P1 page table
                        (beginning at P1BR); always equal to 2^21 - number of
                        pages in P1 space

    FREP1VA    address  Virtual address of first nonexistent page in P1
                        space; always equal to (P1LR - 1) x 512 + 40000000[16]

    FREPTECNT  page     Number of unused longwords in the page table space
                        (pages available for P0 or P1 space); always equal
                        to (VIRTUALPAGECNT + 127) DIV 128 - P0LR - (2^21 -
                        P1LR) - 1


    A process page table is a database of longwords, each describing one
    page of virtual address space.  There are two page tables, the P0 page
    table and the P1 page table, that describe virtual address space for a
    process.  These two tables together I'll call the "page table space" for
    the purposes of this explanation.

    Virtual address space for the "page table space", which is a part of the
    process header, is reserved when the process is created.  The SYSBOOT
    parameter VIRTUALPAGECNT sets the maximum virtual size of a process, so
    a "page table space" is created that is big enough to describe

    There are 128 longwords in a page.  Therefore, each page of the "page
    table space" describes 128 pages of the process' virtual address space.
    So, the size of the "page table space" (in pages) is computed by
    dividing VIRTUALPAGECNT by 128 and rounding up.  Let's call this value
    TABLEPAGES.  You can use the following formula to compute TABLEPAGES.

       (VIRTUALPAGECNT + 127) DIV 128

    This means that the number of entries in the "page table space" can be
    anywhere from VIRTUALPAGECNT to VIRTUALPAGECNT + 127.  For example, at
    Grinnell, VIRTUALPAGECNT is 68536.  A 536 page "page table space" is
    required to describe that many pages.  There are actually 536 x 128 =
    68608 longwords in this "page table space", which is 72 greater than

    The number of longwords in the "page table space" is equal to TABLEPAGES
    x 128.  We can call this TABLESLOTS.  To compute the size of a process'
    current virtual address space, subtract the process header parameter
    FREPTECNT from TABLESLOTS.  This is the value displayed by SHOW

3.  This are my mysteries.  Can anybody answer them?

    The size of the process' current virtual address space can also be
    calculated by the formula P0LR + (2^21 - P1LR).  However, this value is
    always 1 greater than the value shown by SHOW PROCESS/CONTINUOUS.  Why
    is there a difference?  Am I just making a silly fencepost error?

    Is the real limit to a process' virtual address space VIRTUALPAGECNT or
    TABLESLOTS?  The fact that SHOW PROCESS/CONTINUOUS is apparently using
    TABLESLOTS to compute current virtual address space is evidence that
    TABLESLOTS is the real limit, but the documentation always says it's

4.  The quotations at the tops of some of the chapters in the internals manual
    are starting to make a lot of sense to me.

    Chapter 16, Memory Management System Services:  _Confusion now hath made
    his masterpiece!_  --"Macbeth" 2,3

    Chapter 26, Size of System Virtual Address Space:  _A little inaccuracy
    sometimes saves tons of explanation._  --Saki, "The Comments of Moung Ka"