EVERHART%ARISIA@rca.com ("GLENN EVERHART, 609 486 6328") (01/05/87)
The PMDF mailer is the one that was discussed at DECUS. Ned Freed at Harvey Mudd College distributes it. So does CSnet: in fact, it is the standard CSnet mailer and also supports a "phonenet" mail of its own, and can talk to VAX mail. It is intrinsically a store/forward system. Lots cheaper than any DEC product and works VERY well. Also the LBL Tools mailer is a free store/forward mailer that's been on some VAX SIG tapes (DECUS). It also works well. Both have an ARPAnet flavor to them, a possible advantage (one needs to learn only one form of network fruit salad). Both talk cleanly to VAXmail, the first via a foreign protocol escape, the second via internal messing around. They also support many options not done in normal VAXmail. Tools mail in particular supports return receipts, electronic teleconferences and bulletin boards, dynamic changes from editors to vanilla type-in, easy document inclusion, edits of to:, cc:, and bcc: (blind carbon) fields and more.