Does anybody have any experience running a uVAX-II BA23 box with slightly more than the maximum current recommendation being drawn at +5V (we would have less than 10% of +12V maximum and be 40W shy of max.power in the proposed configuration)? Can the DEC specifications be taken with a grain of salt, say to 10 or 20%? Incidentally, does anybody but DEC specify AC/DC bus loads for their boards? And does anybody but DEC know what they mean by "I/O inserts"? I'd be interested to know these things. If we put into our BA23 all the things we would like to, we would be drawing about 38.5A at +5V. The maximum DEC specifies is 36.0A. Thanks in advance for info. on this. Ruth Milner University of Toronto Physics SYSRUTH@UTORPHYS (or send to net - may be of interest to others) P.S. Thanks to Marty Sasaki for a prompt answer on my expansion BA23 query (independent of this one - not the same machine).