[mod.computers.vax] Sec. Passw. on DECNET, DMF Lineprinter port, TU81 fatal contr. errs

203002@DHHMPI5D.BITNET (01/21/87)

My question about secondary passwords in Decnet Access control information
could be answered by myself if I've read all the VMS dokumentation set. In
the "Guide to VAX/VMS System Security" is written on page 5-29 (in bold):
"Secondary passwords can not be specified in access control strings ..."
I would like to see this also in the networking manual...

We' ve got some problems with the line printer port on the DMF's . There is
a laserprinter (Philips Elpho 20) connected to it. The printer has a
dataproducts interface and is connected to the DMF by a 9 m twisted pair cable.
The printer is capable of graphics. Last week it started to print funny
graphs. Some graphic information was shifted to the border side. After
looking at printer dump's, I thought about problems with the data strobe line
because of the following: After the data lines have switched  from '00' to
'FF', a second 'FF' (or some other bit pattern) was received by the printer.
I moved the printer to another DMF and another VAX. The output was also
bad on all other machines, but different on every machine. After inserting a
1 nF Capacitor between the data strobe and data strobe return line at the
Dataproducts connector on the printer site (pins 37/38) everything is OK on
ALL (!) DMF interfaces. I'd like to hear whether anybody else had similar
problems with this interface and a real explanation. It sounds that the DMF
is working at it's limits because different DMF's show differnt results without
the capacitor (but why has it worked for a year ?)... The local DEC field
service had no real explanation. I've heard about the same problem with a
dataproducts P600 connected by a 6 m cable...

Next, our TU81 (without cache) often get's into "fatal controller error" state
when using some (partly) bad tapes and stays at this. The only way to get out
of this is to dismount and power the tape drive off and on again. Thats bad
when the error occurs at the last tape of our image backup... Is this a known
problem ? Our TU81 has ECO TU81-R-003 installed (Parity err's when Init at
6250 BpI),but nothing else.

My mail adress is <203002@DHHMPI5D.BITNET>
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