[mod.computers.vax] DMF printer port


Can anyone out there tell me where to find interface specs for the printer
port on a DMF? I need things like timings, pin designations & definitions,

John Sherwood
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia




The DMF32 printer port pinout is described in the most recent version
of the _DMF32_User's_Guide_, EK-DMF32-UG-003 (or later), Appendix C.
Earlier versions have errors in the pinout. (They erroneously claim
that "strobe" is available on pin 37, while it is actually on pin 8.)

Unfortunately, the DMF32 manual doesn't include signal timings.
The signals are "Data Products" compatible: polarity is reversed with
respect to "Centronix" signals.

Dataproducts' manual
publication number 255137, describes the signal timings on page 3-19,
and the pinout for the connector at the printer is shown on page 2-14.

Your local DEC Field Service office should have a copy of this manual,
since DEC resold those printers as LP25 and LP26. Alternatively, our
copy of the manual claims it can be ordered from

Dataproducts Corporation
21300 Roscoe Boulevard
Canoga Park, CA 91304
(213) 887-8033

I hope this helps,

Selden E. Ball, Jr.

Cornell University                 NYNEX: 1-607-255-0688
Laboratory of Nuclear Studies     BITNET: SYSTEM@CRNLNS
Wilson Synchrotron Lab              ARPA: SYSTEM%CRNLNS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU
Judd Falls & Dryden Road          PHYSnet/HEPnet/SPAN:
Ithaca, NY, USA  14853             LNS61::SYSTEM = 44283::SYSTEM (node 43.251)