[mod.computers.vax] Gpx problems

dean@CHIVES.PSY.CMU.EDU.UUCP (01/30/87)

I'd like to publically thank Bill Jackson at DEC for calling me up and
responding to my flame about GPX problems.  Each problem was answered
with "known bug, will fix next release" , "known feature, here's the
workaround" , or "you really shouldn't be doing that and not expect
some side effect."

The most useful fix dealt with a window "replaying" past events.  The problem
is caused by the device drivers keeping an internal display list.  This
list appears to keep such operations as erase like anything else.  The key
is to cause this list to flush.  This is done by a call to UIS$MOVE_AREA.
A single pixel move will work.

Thanks again for the reply.

Randall W. Dean			|				|
Research/Systems Programmer	| None of the opinions stated	|
Psychology Department		| above belong to anyone.	|
Carnegie Mellon University	|				|
Pittsburgh, Pa 15213		|-------------------------------|
(412) 268-3784			|	Dean@A.Psy.Cmu.Edu	|