I know there are quite a few Excelan installations out there from the number of responses to recent messages--hopefully someone can shed some light on a new problem with our Excelan board/EXOS software--specifically when using TELNET. We had the board installed on a VAX 11/785 with no problems. Last weekend, we had it moved to a different 11/785 in the cluster. No software move was involved--just starting it up in a different section of startup. Now the problem...Monday a.m. users started complaining of *random* transposed characters and garbage on the screen when using TELNET to get to the suns or hypercube. It happens whether the user is hard-wired, DECNETed, or attached through broadband SYTEK to the VAX CPU. We have checked the cabling to the board (DEC field service says it looks fine), and have tried re-installing and linking the driver. The board should have the same address on both systems, so that is not a problem. We are out of ideas and getting ready to order a replacement board. Does anyone have any experience with a problem like this or even any suggestions?? Thanks- Lynette Roy GM Research Labs Warren, MI 313/986-1379 CSNET ADDRESS: ROY@GMR.COM or ROY@GMR.CSNET
From: "Lynette (Hanus) Roy" <> Subject: Another Excelan question... Date: Tue, 27 Jan 87 13:00 ??? We had the board installed on a VAX 11/785 with no problems. Last weekend, we had it moved to a different 11/785 in the cluster. [...] ...Monday a.m. users started complaining of *random* transposed characters and garbage on the screen when using TELNET to get to the suns or [...] It could be a faulty UNIBUS adapter. I had one once which tended to "stutter" sometimes and I'd get two of whatever the last quantity was that was shipped down the UNIBUS. It drove me crazy because the only thing that really tended to happen on were largish DECnet copies over a DMR-11, and the DMR driver and hardware (according to the base table) didn't detect any errors, but DAP sure did. gkn -------------------------------------- Arpa: GKN@SDSC.ARPA Bitnet: GKN@SDSC Span: SDSC::GKN (5.600) USPS: Gerard K. Newman San Diego Supercomputer Center P.O. Box 85608 San Diego, CA 92138 AT&T: 619.534.5076 -------