[mod.computers.vax] HPWD.MAR


HPWD.MAR is, in itself, copyright Digital Equipment Corporation, and it's
uncertain that sending it out over the net would be legal.  But who
cares really?  In any case, here is a version in Fortran that only
supports one of the encryption algorithms :
        Call Hash_Password (sysuaf_record,password_string(1:i),
        Subroutine Hash_Password(sysuaf_record,UAF$element,offset,
     c offset_encrypt,password_size)
        Implicit none
* The AUTODIN-II CRC polynomial is used.
        Include 'SUAF$.INC'
        Character*64            UAF$element
        integer*4               password_size
        Integer*4               offset,offset_encrypt
        Integer*4               lib$crc,lib$crc_table,istat
        Integer*4               Poly_mask
        Integer*4               crc_table(16)
        Integer*4               init_value
        integer*4               i
        integer*4               pwd_long
        byte                    pwd_temp(4)
        Equivalence             (pwd_long,pwd_temp(1))
** Set up the mask and initial CRC value for the Autodin-II polynomial
        poly_mask = 'edb88320'X
        init_value = -1
** Generate the CRC table
        istat = lib$crc_table(poly_mask,crc_table)
        crc_table(1)  = '00000000000'O
        crc_table(2)  = '03555610144'O
        crc_table(3)  = '07333420310'O
        crc_table(4)  = '04666230254'O
        crc_table(5)  = '16667040620'O
        crc_table(6)  = '15332650764'O
        crc_table(7)  = '11554460530'O
        crc_table(8)  = '12001270474'O
        crc_table(9)  = '35556101440'O
        crc_table(10) = '36003711504'O
        crc_table(11) = '32665521750'O
        crc_table(12) = '31330331614'O
        crc_table(13) = '23331141260'O
        crc_table(14) = '20664751324'O
        crc_table(15) = '24002561170'O
        crc_table(16) = '27557371034'O
** Hash the password
   10   pwd_long = lib$crc(crc_table,init_value,
     c UAF$element(1:password_size))
        sysuaf_record(%loc(offset)+1) = pwd_temp(1)
        sysuaf_record(%loc(offset)+2) = pwd_temp(2)
        sysuaf_record(%loc(offset)+3) = pwd_temp(3)
        sysuaf_record(%loc(offset)+4) = pwd_temp(4)
        sysuaf_record(%loc(offset)+5) = 0
        sysuaf_record(%loc(offset)+6) = 0
        sysuaf_record(%loc(offset)+7) = 0
        sysuaf_record(%loc(offset)+8) = 0
        sysuaf_record(%loc(offset_encrypt)+1) = 0
| Joel M Snyder                 |             BITNET: jms@arizmis.BITNET
| Univ of Arizona Dep't of MIS  |           ArizoNET: MRSVAX::JMS
| Tucson, Arizona 85721         |    Pseudo-PhoneNET: (602) 621-2748
(std. disclaimer in re: nobody taking anything I say seriously)