[mod.computers.vax] Load balancing on a cluster

Geoffm@AFSC-HQ.ARPA.UUCP (01/29/87)

Does anyknow how or if a VAX clusancing between
nodes?  We are not using terminal servers!  Also does a cluster actually
share the memory on different nodes and if so how?  What about load
balancing of jobs put in a batch queue or print queue?



There is no automatic load-balancing between cluster members.
Once a job starts on a particular cpu, it stays on that cpu.
All main memory is private. The cluster members are only connected
to one another by high speed (70 megabits per second per cable pair)
serial communications hardware.
If you want real load balancing with shared memory
then you have to buy a "tightly-coupled" multiprocessor.
The dual processor systems that DEC currently sells are the
VAX 8300 and 8800. (The VAX-11/782 is no longer actively marketed.)
Terminal servers only provide a very coarse level of balancing,
in that they can be used to provide a default login to the system
that is the least "busy" at that time. DEC's measure of "busyness"
is not necessarily one that a user would agree with.
Batch and print "load balancing" is done by the system manager starting
a Generic batch queue that everyone submits jobs to, and it will feed
jobs to any corresponding cpu specific queue.
For example, the following commands define system specific batch queues
on systems LNS61 and LNS62, then start a generic batch queue for
people to submit jobs to. Nothing keeps anyone from submitting jobs to
system specific queues. If both cpu specific queues are idle at the time
a job is submitted to the generic queue, then the job will always start
on the queue which has the name that comes first "alphabetically": on
5MIN_A62 in this example.
 $ write sys$output "Starting 5 minute Batch queues"
 /CPUDEF=0:05:00/CPUMAX=0:05:00 -
 /CPUDEF=0:05:00/CPUMAX=0:05:00 -
I hope this helps.
Selden E. Ball, Jr.
Cornell University                 NYNEX: 1-607-255-0688
Laboratory of Nuclear Studies     BITNET: SYSTEM@CRNLNS
Wilson Synchrotron Lab              ARPA: SYSTEM%CRNLNS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU
Judd Falls & Dryden Road          PHYSnet/HEPnet/SPAN:
Ithaca, NY, USA  14853             LNS61::SYSTEM = 44283::SYSTEM (node 43.251)


Geoff Mulligan (USAFA) <GEOFFM@AFSC-HQ.ARPA> asks:
> Does anyknow how or if a VAX clusancing between
> nodes?  We are not using terminal servers!  Also does a cluster actually
> share the memory on different nodes and if so how?  What about load
> balancing of jobs put in a batch queue or print queue?
No, a cluster does not inherently load balance, but does allow for it to
be done.  First of all, terminal server load balancing is independent of
the fact that you have a cluster, although I suppose the fact that a cluster
can have a single network alias might allow something like that.
No, a clustered machines do *not* share memory.  This is an important
distinction, for several reasons.  Depending on your primary application(s)
this may be a drawback or not.
It is interesting to note that DEC decsribes the new 8974 and 8978 as 'robust'
(they are rather pricy prepackaged 4- and 8-node 8700 clusters, respectively),
but they can not be thought of as 'fault-tolerant' (see Digital Review for
more). That is, if you're on one node and it goes down, you can then log in to
another node, but you have lost your previous process.
You can load-balance to some extent using generic batch queues and the
cluster-wide queue manager, but it is not 'true' load-balancing... the queue
manager will select the execution queue to minimize the executing job versus
job limit ratio for all associated execution queues.  By setting job limits
creatively one could indicate to the queue manager which queues should be
We run a cluster of an 8500 (20 Mb) and 2 750s (8 Mb each), with terminl
servers all over the (^&&^* place, and I find that the 8500 has to get *pretty*
loaded (50-60+ users) before the servers start finally putting folks on
the 750s.
Interactive jobs are not inherently load balanced, but you could certainly
organize some procedure to do your own (that is, reject certain users on
certain nodes at certain times, allow them otherwise, etc, or do a SET HOST
for them -- although I've heard arguments that SET HOST is to be avoided
because of the overhead).  I'm sure other folks out there have done it;
it really hasn;'t been a problem for us.
Denis W. Haskin
DHASKIN@CLARKU.BITNET    Office of Information Systems     (617)793-7193
                                Clark University
                                950 Main Street
                              Worcester MA  01610
"Anyone who _moves_ before Most Holy comes back out will spend the rest
 of eternity sipping lava through an iron straw."
                                                               - Cerebus

MHJohnson@HI-MULTICS.ARPA.UUCP (02/03/87)

About cluster queues...  it appears to me that batch and print jobs will
go to the first queue associated with a generic queue unless it is busy.
Then the second queue (and so on) will be used.  This at least holds
true for the print queues.  On my system, the one used first has a name
starting with G and the second starts with D.

Batch queues area little more complicated though.  If I remember
correctly, VMS will choose the `most lightly loaded' queue in preference
to the rule above.  This means you can make a generic batch queue and
make one queue for each CPU for batch that varies in size based upon the
performance of the CPU.  For example, if you have a 5 slot queue on an
8700 and a 2 slot queue on an 8200, the jobs will be allocated in the
following order:  8700, 8200, 8700, 8700, 8200, 8700, 8700.  The second
job always goes on the smaller queue (zero load is less than any
load...)  if the larger queue has any jobs running.

It would be nice to have load balancing in a more general way but from I
understand about VMS, it would take a LOT to implement.  A number of
things such as mailboxes, shared memory, etc just don't work between
cluster members at this time.

  --Mark <MHJohnson @ HI-MULTICS.ARPA>

rcb@mcnc.org@rti-sel.UUCP (02/04/87)

I know a cluster does not currently load balance, but consider the following
(Especially any DEC systems types out there)

	I cound have an interactive process running on cluster node 1.
	A monitor process detects that node 1 is much more heavily loaded
	than ndoe 2. It decides to swap my process on on node 1. It then
	reprograms the LAT to make my terminal talk to node 2 and swaps
	me in on node 2. Voila! Quick and dirty load balancing.

					Random (Randy Buckland)
					Research Triangle Institute