[mod.computers.vax] PTU utility for WPS or All-in-1


> In the latest (2.1) release of All-in-One, there is a directory
> [.PRINT] containing a number of files <name>.PRA and <name>.PRC which
> seem to allow one to define custom printer attribute and character
> tables for foreign printers.  There is also an image PTU.EXE (Print
> Tables Utility) to manipulate the attribute and/or character files.
> Unfortunately, it isn't documented, and there are no help files of any
> sort.  Does anyone have info on how to use this utility.  It is
> "self-explanatory" until one tries to edit an attribute sequence, and
> put an <ESC> into it!
> Any information, tips, etc. would be most appreciated.
> Roger Kingsley,           ! My employer, being a University,
> Computer Services,        ! allows me to express myself freely,
> U. of Winnipeg.           ! and doesn't take responsibility for
>                           ! any foolishness I utter!!!!!
See Page OA-3-1 thru OA-10-2 of the Office Automation SIG's section of the
DECUS U.S. Chapter SIGs Newsletters, Volume 1, Number 11, July 1986.
A fairly good article by one John Connolly of DEC entitled "Modifiable
Printer Table Printing with WPS-Plus."  It details use of the PTU utility
and gives some examples.  We found it quite useful to tell WPS how to
do some additional manipulation with an LN03, like getting to alternate
fonts in a font cartridge.
I do recall that our programmer had some difficulty getting an <ESC>
into it... but I *think* the solution was to just spell it out, = la
a UDP.  That is, type in "<","E","S","C",">".  I could be wrong, though,
but we did get it in.  Let me know if you need more info.
Here's the kicker, though: the alternate fonts cart we have is the DEC C.G.
Times cartridge, which is unfortunately a proportional font, and WPS
*doesn't* know how to use proportional fonts.  The most apparent solution
would be to purchase DECpage, but with the new presence of PostScript
devices and packages, we've decided to see how the field shakes out first,
and the 'purchase new software' solution is probably 12 months down
the road.
Anyone out there have an quick and/or cheap way to make these fonts
useful with existing software (e.g. WPS, runoff, etc.)?
Thanks in advance, and hope you find the article helpful...
Denis W. Haskin
DHASKIN@CLARKU.BITNET    Office of Information Systems     (617)793-7193
                                Clark University
                                950 Main Street
                              Worcester MA  01610
"Anyone who _moves_ before Most Holy comes back out will spend the rest
 of eternity sipping lava through an iron straw."
                                                               - Cerebus