[net.sf-lovers] ""Research Alpha"" by Schmitz &

chris@ICO.UUCP (09/05/85)

One of my great disapointments in life was that Schmitz
never wrote (or at least published) the sequel to "The
Witches of Karres". He spent the last chapter of the book
version (which is longer than the original version) setting
up the sequel. He recruited the gang and even set up some of
the conflict. Then "". No sequel, and now he's dead. It would
be nice if somebody good would write the sequel in Schmitz's style.
I hope it would come out better than some of the "Lensman" stories
written since Doc Smith died. (Although the story "Moon Prospector"
by William B. Ellern is first rate)

			Chris "send me to the hub" Kostanick

Being Badnews Quillian means never having to say you're sorry.