[mod.computers.vax] SYSUAF.DAT


        The OPEN call you list is ...
>                     FILE_NAME := 'SYS$SYSTEM:SYSUAF.DAT',
>                     HISTORY := OLD,
>                     RECORD_TYPE := VARIABLE,
>                     ORGANISATION := INDEXED,
>                     SHARING := READWRITE,
>                     ERROR := MESSAGE );
        But you don't specify how you declare the file variable SYSUAF_FILE.
If your declaration is like ...
        SYSUAF_FILE : Text;
        ... then the RECORD_LENGTH parameter defaults to 133 chars.  The
RECORD_LENGTH parameter is supposedly ignored for all but text files.
        Could this be your problem?  (RECORD_LENGTH really means maximum size
of the record in bytes, and not a fixed record size.)
TBLAKE@BINGVAXB.BITNET                                  Thomas R. Blake
TBLAKE@suny-bing.CSNET                                  SUNY Computer Center
                                                        Binghamton, NY  13901