[mod.computers.vax] VAX Hacks


    As a student AND a VAX system manager, I feel very stronly that access
should not be limited.  I find far too many systems which limit access to
just about anything but the bare minimum, usually to make sure that no
weakness has been overlooked.  Very rarely is there a need for such security.
    Several messages have somehow drawn a line between students (who hack)
and others (who don't).  In fact, it's impossible to make a distinction
that will adequately separate the wolves from the sheep.  To the point that
some managers are new to VMS and don't want students more knowlegeable than
themselves, I have two recommendations:
1  If security is a major issue, the guide to security operations (it
   comes with VMS) is very good, reasonable to understand, and certainly should
   keep you safe from all but the best hackers, and they don't need info from
   this SIG anyway.
2  Here at Trinity, students carry out most of the system  management
   responsibilities.  If you have any students who are especially
   knowlegeable, they would probably be very helpful in getting things started.
Students who are currently studying computer science should not be denied
access to ay kind of educational "device," whether it be a textbook, a
contact with a company, a SIG, etc.  I'm subscribing to this one because
I'm interested in learning, not hacking.  As was previously mentioned,
there are plenty of richer sources for hackers.