[mod.computers.vax] %BACKUP-F-CONTINUED problems


>> $ mount/foreign msa0: totd1
>> $ backup/record/image/log dua0: msa0:totd1
>> (lots of file names)
>I quote from the System Messages and Recovery Procedures reference:
>       In a save operation with the /NOREWIND qualifier, the specified
>       volume contained a multivolume file that was continued on another
>       volume, and therefore a file cannot be appended to the volume.
>Try using the /REWIND qualifier on the BACKUP command line (or using another
I submitted a SPR on this problem to DEC some months ago, and they had
exactly the same reply.  I don't think it was the correct reply...  In my
environment, the circumstances were typically:
$ mount/foreign $1$mua0:
$ backup/since=backup user1:[*...] $1$mua0:user1.bkp/rewind
$ backup/since=backup user2:[*...] $1$mua0:user2.bkp/norewind
$ backup/since=backup usern:[*...] $1$mua0:usern.bkp/norewind
As I understand it, this means that the after the first BACKUP command, the
tape is always positioned at the end of the last file (and before the end
of the tape) and therefore this error should not occur ... at least not for
the reasons stated above.  Anybody have any other suggestions?
Scott Bailey                        SBAILEY@ESGSDWCO.XEROX.COM
VAX Systems Manager          Xerox: sbailey:ES GSD/WCO:Xerox
Xerox Corp. RE/GSD/WCO              (good luck if you try a REPLY...)
El Segundo, CA               Phone: (213) 333-5441