[mod.computers.vax] Securityf on mailing lists.

STEWART_SYS@uta.edu.UUCP (02/18/87)

As someone previously mentioned, any security problem that is known will
get around whether it's published on info-vax or not.  Remember, this is
not the one and only VAX related posting that exists.  If a site has access
to the mailing list and some malicious student or disgruntled employee can
read the list, it's more than likely that the system manager or security
agent can and will read the list as well.  If not this list, then the VAX
forum on CompuServe, GEnie, The Source, BIX, a DECUS publication or perhaps
a LUG newsletter (there are LOTS of places to post information).

My point is, it's in the nature of a system manager to stay informed of
the issues involving his/her computer system.  Hopefully, he/she will find
out about security problems before a user does, but if not, I don't think
it can be totally blamed on someone posting a message on info-vax.  Certainly
if someone does post a security problem, they should include a fix or work
around with it.

As far as the new system manager is concerned, if he/she is very green,
they will likely be depending on DEC and/or other experienced personnel
to assist with particular problems.  I would think that even they will be
informed of a problem and the solution.  If they are a new VAX installation
and someone has been 'elected' as system manager, it's likely that the other
users are just as green when it comes to VMS.  Of course, I doubt that in
this case, the first order of business is to get the system on a mailing
list where all those nasty security risks are posted...