[mod.computers.vax] various questions

vtcf@NCSC.ARPA.UUCP (02/20/87)

I have a couple of unrelated questions.  The first is related to hardware.
Does anyone know of a way to have RA81's spin themselve up after a power
glitch like RM05's (also RA60's)? We have a two VAX cluster, with RA81's,
RA60's, and RM05's.  We also have battery backup for the memory, and PDS's
to distribute the power.  My only complaint is that if the power goes off for
a second or two (which is what happens in 90% of the cases(), the jobs are
still running, the RM05's come back up on their own, but someone has to go
down to the computer room and re-spin the RA drives.  This is only a minor
annoyance when someone is around to do it, but we keep our system up 24hrs
a day, and have jobs that use upwards of 20 cpu hours.  If the power glitches
at night or on a weekend, we may lose a substantial amount of computer time.
I don't need a UPS, just something for the disk drives for that occasional
glitch. (DEC, are you listening?)

The second question:  Is there any software out there that will take a
FORTRAN program and convert it (at least partially) to FORTRAN-77?  I have
this spaghetti code inherited from someone who's gone on to bigger and better
things (sound familiar?) and this code is really a bear to go through.  I'd
like to be able to untangle it with some structured FORTRAN (IF-THEN, etc.)
or at least tidy it up. I know there exists something somewhere that renumbers
and pretty-prints code on a decus tape, but which?

Any help will be GREATLY appreciated!!!

Tom Willim
Tom Williams
Code 4210
Naval Coastal Systems Center
Panama City, Fl 32407-5000
(904) 234-4699
(AV) 436-4699


p.s.  I just thought of another question.  Is there a government version of
TCP/IP that I can get dirt cheap, and how do I go about it?  I'm running
VMS 4.5

Thanks again