[mod.computers.vax] Software protection


Concerning the recent request for methods for locking software, I'd like
to relate a glitch that happend at our site a couple of years ago...
We had a subtle malfunction, such that the system clock on our VAX
reset back to some base date (ca. 1975).  Since folks don't generally
pay all that much attention to the clock, it was a day or so before
someone noticed and reset the thing.  In the interim, several
large stat packs died, insisting that our licenses had expired.
A fast clock reset quickly fixed the problem.
To those who place destructive time bombs in programs, I would have been
most upset if we had been forced to reinstall software just because the
clock got confused.
To those who use nondestructive time bombs, I now know how to defeat
you... just reset my clock back to the legitimate period.
Clearly, writing such code is a waste of time....   Most VAX systems
are bought by corporations who are much more  aware of legalities than
individual micro buyers.  I doubt seriously that time bombs have a
sigficant}i positive effect on sales.  Indeed, the implicit
distrust will lose more sales that you gain from the bomb.
Please keep such trash out of your commercial programs.
Leo geoffrion,