[mod.computers.vax] Segmented keys from FORTRAN


I have successfully manipulated a file with segmented keys using FORTRAN.
Provided the file exists, you do not need to tell FORTRAN about the
segmentation, RMS finds this out for itself and copes. I would hope that
other HLLs behave similarly.
I created it using EDIT/FDL to set up the correct structure, followed by
CONVERT/FAST to load a file of sequential data. The segmented key approach
saved having to re-structure many Mbytes of data, efficiency wasn't
important (not that I noticed any degradation compared to an ordinary
indexed file). Incidentally not only were 3 keys segmented, but they overlapped
as well!
Documentation in the RMS manual is sparse, but all I found that I needed
to know was that the facility was available --- everything else worked.
Nigel Arnot (Dept. Physics, Kings college, Univ. of London;  U.K)
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