nagy%bsndbg.hepnet@LBL.ARPA.UUCP (02/26/87)
Can anybody help. Say a user log's in and he gets the message that there is new mail. This is fine but I have a global login file which sets the terminal up (because we have some big teks) sets the dialog area ect.. bt esc codes. Is there anyway in dcl to at a latter dat redisplay the initial message at login. At the moment i have a delay at the begining of the login file so the user has a chance to look. Its a pain in the neck because if somebodys password has expired they dont notice. Ta. ====== The password expiration information is in the UAF, and can be read with $GETUAF. Unfortunately, there is no DCL interface to $GETUAF - you'd have to write a program to do it. I've written a DCL interface to the $GETUAI system service. The program is called GETUAI and is an outgrowth of the older GETUAF program available on several past VAX SIG tapes. GETUAI is on the current Languages&Tools SIG tape and on the new (Fall '86) VAX SIG tape.