[mod.computers.vax] about SWING and SMG...


I have been swamped with requests for the source of SWING since my posting
last week, I don't mind sending the source, but I would rather not have to
decipher the return address! so PLEASE include your return address in the
request if you want the source.

I have been having problems sending the source to sites going through
seismo. I don't know why, but some of the following addresses do not work
for me,


so if you did not get the source in the mail, and have an alternate mail
address, then send me the address again, otherwise I am afraid you have to
get it from someone else.

some of you have a little problem with SMG while compiling SWING,
I'm including an old info vax posting which may be the source of your problem.

-- Portia Shao (Bjorndahl)  UUCP -- {allegra|ihnp4}!scgvaxd!engvax!portia
   Hughes Aircraft Co.      ARPA -- portia%engvax.uucp@usc-oberon.usc.edu
   (213) 616-2635

From:   UUCP%"usc-oberon!rice.edu!%USC-ECLC.ARPA:%ECLA:mth"  4-AUG-1986 09:35
Subj:   VMS 4.4 shareable image bug, VMS Fortran 4.4 SMG bug

... headers deleted...

We recently installed VMS Version 4.4 on our VAX 11/780.  As far as
I know there have been only two major problems we have seen with 4.4.
I am posting these to the net so that other unsuspecting VMS users
can save themselves the trouble of figuring out what has gone wrong
when they find themselves in these situations.

... deleted...

The second problem is that Fortran programs using the screen management
(SMG) routines in the Run-Time Library that use the constants defined by DEC
(such as SMG$M_BORDER, SMG$K_TRM_UP, etc.) by including $SMGDEF do not
compile properly under VMS Fortran Version 4.4.  When older versions of
Fortran are used with 4.4 VMS the programs compile correctly.

This seems to be an oversight in the distribution of VMS Fortran Version
4.4 since the module $SMGDEF in SYS$LIBRARY:FORSYSDEF.TLB contains only
status and error code definitions in the 4.4 distribution, whereas the
earlier distributions contained the other constants.  The problem could
probably be patched by merging the old $SMGDEF module with the new one
and putting the combined module back into FORSYSDEF.TLB (our system people
didn't want to create a non-DEC system file so we didn't do that here).
I was able to get my Fortran programs to compile by extracting $SMGDEF
from the old FORSYSDEF.TLB and including this file in my Fortran program.
I hope a new version of VMS Fortran comes out soon so that I can get
rid of all those extra 'INCLUDE' lines in my programs.