[mod.computers.vax] Question on a Vax System Call Sch$Qast



Can anyone tell me where I can find more information about this
system call, "SCH$QAST", it is for queuing asynchronous system traps.

This is a reposting of an earlier plea.

	Thanking all in advance,

Electronic Mailing Address:



dean@CHIVES.PSY.CMU.EDU.UUCP (02/27/87)

Information is available in the fiche.  Check SYS.MAP to find out which
module.  Whats wrong with SYS$DCLAST?  Well, here's the information
I pulled out of the fiche when writing some interrupt code.

	Inputs:	R2   Priority increment class
		R4   Pointer to PCB
		R5   Pointer to ACB

	Output: R0   Status

If executing at elevated IPL (Above IPL$FORK) I would suggest FORKing.

Randall W. Dean			|				|
Research/Systems Programmer	| None of the opinions stated	|
Psychology Department		| above belong to anyone.	|
Carnegie Mellon University	|				|
Pittsburgh, Pa 15213		|-------------------------------|
(412) 268-3784			|	Dean@A.Psy.Cmu.Edu	|