[net.sf-lovers] SF POLL - THE RESULTS! part 6 of 10.

gjerawlins@watdaisy.UUCP (Gregory J.E. Rawlins) (09/11/85)

McCauley, Kirby
	Night Chills
McCauley, Robie
	A Secret History of Time To Come [race war]
McCollum, Michael
	A Greater Infinity [1982]
	LifeProbe [1984] [hard science, first contact]
	Proycon's Promise [1985] [sequel to "LifeProbe"] [hard science, exloration, ftl]
McDaniel, David
	The Arsenal out of Time [1967]
MacDonald, George [U.K., 1824-1905]
	Phantastes [1858] [fantasy]
	Lilith [1895] [fantasy]
	At the Back of The North Wind [1871] [juvenile fantasy]
	The Princess and the Curdie [juvenile fantasy]
	The Princess and the Goblin [sequel to "The Princess and the Curdie"]
	The Wise Woman [moralistic fairy tale]
MacDonald, John D. [U.S.A., 1916- ]
	Wine of the Dreamers
	The Girl, the Gold Watch, & Everything [fun]
	Ballroom of the Skies
McEnroe, Richard
	The Shattered Stars
McGarry, Mark J.
	Blank Slate
Machen, Arthur
	The Three Impostors [fantasy]
McIntosh, J. T.
	One in Three Hundred [earth is about to go and only 1/300 can leave]
	Flight from Rebirth
	The Suiciders
	The Fittest
	Norman Conquest 2066
McIntyre, Vonda N.
	Dreamsnake [1978] [Hugo 1979] [Nebula 1978] [hard science, post-holocaust] (7)
	Fireflood [1981]
	Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: Star Trek #7 [1983] [star trek novel based on screenplay of eponymous movie]
	Star Trek III: The Search for Spock: Star Trek #17 [1984] [star trek novel based on screenplay of eponymous movie]
	Superluminary [1984]
	The Exile Waiting
	The Entropy Effect: Star Trek #2 [a star trek novel, time travel]
Mackey, Mary
	The Last Warrior Queen
McKillip, Patricia A. [,M.A.] [U.S.A., 1948- ]
	The Quest of the Riddlemaster
	The Riddle-Master Trilogy: [fantasy] (4)
		The Riddle-Master of Hed [1976]
		Heir of Sea and Fire [1977]
		Harpist in the Wind [1979]
	The House on Parchment Street [1973] [juvenile, ghost story]
	The Throme of Erril of Sherril [1973] [illus.] [lighthearted juvenile fantasy]
	The Forgotten Beasts of Eld [1975] [WFA 1975] [fantasy]
	Stepping from the Shadows [1982] [fantasy, semi-autobiographical]
	Moonflash [1984]
McKinley, Robin
	Beauty [1978] [retelling of beauty and the beast] (3)
	The Door in the Hedge
	The Blue Sword [juvenile fantasy]
	The Hero and the Crown [juvenile fantasy]
Mackleworth, R. M.
	Starflight 3000
McLaughlin, Dean
	Dome World
	The Fury from Earth [1963]
MacLean, Katherine
	Missing Man [future society]
	The Diploids
MacLeod, Sheila
	Xanthe and the Robots
McQuay, Mike
	The Mathew Swain Novels: [hardboiled detective in sf trappings]
		Mathew Swain: The Deadliest Show in Town
		Mathew Swain: The Odds are Murder
		Mathew Swain: Hot Time in Old Town
Mac Rauch, Earl
	Buckaroo Banzai [humour] (2)
	How We Will Reach the Stars
Maddock, Larry
	Agent of T.E.R.R.A. [sf espionage, alien symbiote as sidekick]
		The Flying Saucer Gambit
		The Golden Goddess Gambit [time travel to Atlantis]
		The Emerald Elephant Gambit
Maine, Charles Eric
Major, H. M.
	The Alien Trace #1
	The Alien Trace #2: Time Twister
Malory, Sir Thomas
	Le Morte d'Arthur [Arthurian cycle in verse]
Malzberg, Barry [N.]
	Phase Four
	The Falling Astronauts
	In the Enclosure
	The Day of the Burning [1974]
	Oracle of the Thousand Hands
	The Sodom and Gomorrah Business
	The Confessions of Westchester County
	Beyond Apollo
	Herovit's World
	On the Planet Alien
	The Best of Barry N. Malzberg
	Guernica Night
	Tactic of Conquest
	The Destruction of the Temple
	Out from Ganymede and Other Stories
Mann, Philip
	The Eye of the Queen
Manning, Laurence
	The Man Who Awoke
Margroff, Robert E. & Anthony, Piers
	The E.S.P. Worm [1970]
Marshak, Sondra & Culbreath, Myrna
	The Price of the Phoenix [a star trek novel]
	Star Trek: The New Voyages [a star trek novel]
	Star Trek: The New Voyages 2 [a star trek novel]
	Triangle: Star Trek #9 [a star trek novel]
	The Prometheus Design: Star Trek #5 [a star trek novel]
Martin, George R. R. [U.S.A., ]
	Fevre Dream
	The Dying of the Light
	Songs of Stars and Shadows [col.]
	SandKings [1981] [col.] [horror fantasy]
	A Song for Lya and Other Stories [col.]
Martin, George R. R. & Tuttle, Lisa
Martinson, Harry
	Aniara [generation ship]
Mason, Anita
	The Illusionist [historical fantasy]
Mason, David
	The Sorcerer's Skull
	The Shores of Tomorrow
Mason, Douglas R.
	The End Bringers
	Eight Against Utopia
	The Resurrection of Roger Diment
	Satellite 54-zero
	Horizon Alpha
	Dilation Effect
Matheson, Richard [1926- ]
	Bid Time Return [1976] [WFA 1976] [fantasy/sf, time travel]
	I Am Legend [fantasy/sf, vampires]
	The Shores of Space
	The Shrinking Man
	A Stir of Echoes
	Third from the Sun [col.]
	Shock I [col.]
	Shock II [col.]
Maxwell, Ann
	Dancer's Illusion
	Dancer's Luck
	Fire Dancer
May, Julian
	The Saga of the Pliocene Exile Tetralogy: [time travel, aliens, esp] (3)
		The Many-Coloured Land [1981] (3)
		The Golden Torc [1982]
		The Nonborn King [1983]
		The Adversary [1984]
Mayhar, Ardath
	The Seekers of Shar-Nuhn
Mead, Harold
	The Bright Phoenix
Mead, Shepherd
	The Big Ball of Wax [1954] [satire on advertising and business]
Merle, [Professor] Robert [France, ]
	The Day of the Dolphin [1967:1969] [intelligent dolphins]
	Malevil [1972:1973] [post holocaust Swiss Family Robinson]
Merril, Judith
	The Tomorrow People
Merritt, A[braham] [U.S.A., 1884-1943]
	The Moon Pool [1919] [lost race]
	The Metal Monster [1920]
	The Ship of Ishtar [1926] [fantasy]
	Seven Footsteps to Satan [1928]
	The Face in the Abyss [1931] [lost race]
	Dwellers in the Mirage [1932] [lost race]
	Burn, Witch, Burn! [1932] [filmed as "The Devil Dolls"]
	The Conquest of the Moon Pool [sequel to "The Moon Pool"]
	The Fox Woman and Other Stories [1949] [col.]
Merwin, Sam, Jr.
	The Time Shifters
Meyers, Roy E.
	Daughters of the Dolphin
	Dolphin Boy
Meyrink, Gustav
	The Golem [1916] [most famous modern version of the golem legend]
Miller, Walter M., Jr. [U.S.A., 1923- ]
	A Canticle for Leibowitz [1959] [Hugo 1961] [religion, post-holocaust] (15)
	Conditionally Human
	The View from the Stars
	The Best of Walter M. Miller Jr. [1980] [col.] [contains The Darfstellar-Hugo 1953]
Moffitt, Donald
	The Jupiter Theft [hard science, sociology]
Monaco, Richard
	Parsival, or a Knight's Tale
	The Grail War
	The Final Quest
	Blood and Dreams [Parsival #4]
Moorcock, Michael [U.K., 1939- ]
	[note: all series heroes are considered the same "Eternal Champion"]
	The Elric Series:
		Elric of Melnibone [aka "The Dreaming City"]
		A Sailor on the Seas of Fate
		The Weird of the White Wolf [aka "The Stealer of Souls"]
		The Vanishing Tower [aka "The Sleeping Sorceress"]
		The Bane of the Black Sword
		Elric at the End of Time [col.]
	The Runestaff Series:
		The Jewel in the Skull
		The Mad God's Amulet
		The Sword of the Dawn
		The Runestaff
	The Castle Brass Series:
		Count Brass
		The Champion of Garathorm
		The Quest for Tanelorn
	The Corum Series:
		The Swords Trilogy:
			The Knight of The Swords [1971] [ADFA=BFA 1972] (3)
			The Queen of The Swords (2)
			The King of The Swords [1972] [ADFA=BFA 1973] (3)
		The Chronicles of Corum:
			The Bull and the Spear
			The Oak and the Ram
			The Sword and the Stallion [1974] [ADFA=BFA 1975] (2)
	The John Daker Series:
		The Eternal Champion
		The Silver Warriors [aka "Phoenix in Obsidian"]
	The Dancers at the End of Time Series: (2)
		An Alien Heat
		The Hollow Lands [ADFA=BFA 1976]
		The End of All Songs
		The Legends from the End of Time
		A Messiah at the End of Time
	The Michael Kane Trilogy: [as Edward P. Bradbury]
		City of the Beast [aka "Warriors of Mars"]
		Lord of the Spiders [aka "Blades of Mars"]
		Masters of the Pit [aka "Barbarians of Mars"]
	The Nomad of Time:
		The Warlord of the Air [1971] [alternate history]
		The Land Leviathan
		The Steel Tsar
	The Cornelius Chronicles [omnibus] [sf and contemporary satire]
		The Final Programme [1968]
		A Cure for Cancer
		The English Assassin
		The Condition of Muzak
	Behold the Man [1968] [novelization of Nebula 1967] [time travel, christian religion]
	Breakfast in the Ruins [1972]
	Gloriana [1978] [WFA 1979] [fantasy]
	The Warhound and the World's Pain [1981] (4)
	The Fireclown
	The Sundered Worlds
	Dilvish the Damned
	The Black Corridor
	The Singing Citadel
	The Time Dweller
	The Ice Schooner
	The City of the Beast
	The Lord of the Spiders
	The Masters of the Pit
	The Silver Warriors
Moorcock, Michael & Butterworth, Michael
	The Time of the Hawklords
	Queens of Deliria
Moore, C[atherine] L[ucille] [U.S.A., 1911- ] [Nebula Grand Master 1981] [Life Achievement Award 1981]
	Doomsday Morning [1957]
	Judgement Night [1952]
	Northwest Smith [space opera]
	Jirel of Joiry [sword and sorcery, strong female heroine]
	Best of C. L. Moore [1975] [col.]
	Scarlet Dream [1981] [col.]
Moore, C[atherine] L[ucille] & Kuttner, Henry
	Earth's Last Citadel [1943]
Moore, Ward C. [1903- ]
	Bring the Jubilee [1952] [alternate history]
	Greener than You Think
More, Sir Thomas
	Utopia [1516] [very early utopia novel]
Morgan, Dan
	The Country of the Mind [1975] [telempathy, race conflict, breakdown of society]
	The New Minds
	The Several Minds
	Mind Trap
Morgan, Dan & Kipax, John
	The Neutral Stars
	Seed of Stars
Morris, Janet E.
	Returning Creation [1977,1984] [rev. of "High Couch of Silistra"]
	The Wind from the Abyss
	The Golden Sword
	Carnelian Throne
	The Kerrion Empire Trilogy:
		Dream Dancer
		Cruiser Dreams
		Earth Dreams
Morris, William [U.K., 1834-1896]
	News from Nowhere [1890] [utopia]
	The House of the Wulfings [1889] [historical fantasy]
	The Wood Beyond the World [1895] [heroic fantasy] (2)
	The Well at the World's End [1896] [fantasy]
	The Water of the Wondrous Isles [1897] [fantasy]
	The Sundering Flood
Morrow, James
	The Wine of Violence
Morrow, William
	The Continent of Lies
Moskowitz, Sam
	Under the Moons of Mars
	The Coming of the Robots
	Exploring Other Worlds
Mundy, Talbot
	Om: the Secret of Ahbor Valley
	The Devil's Guard
	The Nine Unknown
	The Tros of Samothrace Books:
Munn, H. Warner
	The Ship from Atlantis
	Web of the Romulans [a star trek novel]
Myers, John Myers [U.S.A., 1906- ]
	Silverlock [1949] [picaresque fantasy with characters from literature] (7)
	The Moon's Fire-Eating Daughter [1981] [sequel to "Silverlock"]
	The Trumpet Sounds [1965]
	The Harp and Blade [historical fantasy]
Myrabo & Ing
	The Future of Flight
Naha, Ed
	The Suicide Plague
	The Paradise Plot [1980] [sf detective mystery on an L5 colony]
Nation, Terry [U.K., ]
	Survivors [1976] [survival after biological holocaust]
Nesbit, Edith [U.K., 1858-1924]
	[all titles are juvenile with "everyday magic" - magic in everyday settings]
	The Five Children Trilogy;
		Five Children and It [1902]
		The Story of the Amulet [1907]
		The Phoenix and the Carpet [1904]
	The Enchanted Castle [1907] [considered the best of its kind, a classic]
	The House of Arden [1908]
	Harding's Luck [1909] [sequel to "The House of Arden"]
	The Magic City [1910]
	Wet Magic [1913]
Nesvadba, Josef [,M.D.] [Czechoslovakia, 1926- ]
	Vampire Ltd. [1964]
	In The Footsteps of the Abominable Snowman [1970] [aka "The Lost Face"]
Newman, Sharen
Nichols, Ruth
	Song of the Pearl
Niven, Larry [/Laurence] [Van Cott] [,B.A.] [U.S.A., 1938- ]
	Works from the Known Space Series: [future history, interesting aliens]
		World of Ptavvs [1966] [telepathy, aliens] (5)
		A Gift from Earth [1968] [organ banks, colonization] (2)
		Ringworld [1970] [Hugo 1971] [Nebula 1970] [hard science, planetary engineering] (35)
		Protector [1973] [human origin, hard science] (10)
		Ringworld Engineers [1980] [sequel to "Ringworld"] (4)
		The Patchwork Girl [1980] [illus.] [more Gil Hamilton, sf detective]
		Neutron Star [1968] [col.] [title story Hugo 1967] [hard science] (9)
		The Shape of Space [1969] [col.]
		Tales of Known Space [1975] [col.] (4)
		The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton [1976] [col.] [sf detective]
	A World out of Time [1976] [hard science]
	The Magic Goes Away [1978] [illus.] [fantasy, magic]
	The Integral Trees [1983] [hard science] (2)
	A Hole in Space
	All the Myriad Ways [1971] [col.] [contains Inconstant Moon-Hugo 1972] (4)
	The Flight of the Horse [1973] [col.] [time travel, humour]
	Convergent Series [1979] [col.]
Niven, Larry [/Laurence] [Van Cott] & Barnes, Steven
	The Descent of Anansi
	Dream Park [real life adventure gaming] (2)
Niven, Larry [/Laurence] [Van Cott] & Pournelle, Jerry
	The Mote in God's Eye [1974] [first contact, hard science, war] (32)
	Inferno [1976] [fantasy, mythology, retelling of dante's inferno] (4)
	Lucifer's Hammer [1977] [catastrophe] (6)
	Oath of Fealty [1981] [near future, monolithic metropolis] (2)
	Footfall [1985] [alien invasion]
Nolan, William F.
	A Sea of Space
	Space for Hire
	Logan's World
Nolan, William F. & Johnson, George Clayton
	Logan's Run
Norman, John [nee [Professor] John F. Lange, Jr. Ph.D.]
	Time Slave [1975] [fantasy, time travel, subjugation of women]
	Ghost Dance
	Imaginative Sex [sf sex manual for people into bondage]
	The Chronicles of Counter-Earth: [Burroughsian sword and sorcery, sadism, bondage, fetishism, demeaning to women]
		Tarnsman of Gor
		Outlaw of Gor
		Priest-Kings of Gor
		Nomads of Gor
		Assassin of Gor
		Raiders of Gor
		Captive of Gor [1972]
		Hunters of Gor [1974]
		Marauders of Gor [1975]
		Tribesmen of Gor
		Slave Girl of Gor
		Beasts of Gor
		Explorers of Gor
		[not sure of order from here on .. also list not complete...]
		Mercenaries of Gor
		Fighting Slave of Gor [Jason Marshall I]
		Rogue of Gor [Jason Marshall II]
		Guardsman of Gor [Jason Marshall III]
		Kajira of Gor
		Blood Brothers of Gor
		Savages of Gor
		Players of Gor [1984]
North, Edmund H. & Coen, Franklin
	Meteor [based on screenplay of movie] [big rock aimed at earth causes panic]
Norton, Alders
	Futures Unlimited
Norton, Andre [nee Alice Mary Norton] [U.S.A., 1912- ] [Gandalf Award 1977]
	[almost all of her books are considered to be fantasies written for juveniles but read by adults]
	Android at Arms
	Beast Master [1959] [exploration] (2)
	Breed to Come [1972]
	The Crossroads of Time [1956] [time travel]
	Dark Piper
	Daybreak 2250 A.D.
	Dragon Magic
	Dread Companion
	Exiles of the Stars
	The Eye of the Monster
	Garan the Eternal
	Here Abides Monsters
	High Sorcery
	Horn Crown
	Huorn of the Horn
	Ice Crown
	Iron Cage
	Judgement on Janus
	Knave of Dreams
	The Last Planet
	Lavender Green Magic
	Lord of Thunder
	Merlin's Mirror
	Moon of Three Rings
	Night of Masks
	Operation Time Search
	Perilous Dreams
	Quag Keep
	Quest Crosstime
	Red Hart Magic
	Sea Siege
	Secret of the Lost Race
	Shadow Hawk
	The Sioux Spacemen
	Star Born
	Star Gate
	Star Guard
	Star Hunter
	The Stars are Ours
	Uncharted Stars
	Steel Magic [1964] [aka "Gray Magic"]
	Victory on Janus
	Wizard's World [1967]
	The X Factor
	Yurth Burden
	The Zero Stone
	The Witch World Series: [fantasy, magic in a medieval atmosphere]
		Witch World [1963]
		Web of the Witch World [1964]
		The Year of the Unicorn [1965] (2)
		Three Against the Witch World [1965]
		Warlock of the Witch World [1967]
		Sorceress of the Witch World [1968]
		Spell of the Witch World [1972] [col.]
		The Crystal Gryphon [1972]
		Gryphon in Glory
		The Jargoon Pard [1974]
		The Trey of Swords [col.]
		Zarsthor's Bane [illus.]
		Lore of the Witch World [col.]
		'Ware Hawk
	The Ross Murdock Series:
		The Time Traders
		Galactic Derelict
		The Defiant Agents
		Key out of Time
	The Solar Queen Series:
		Sargasso of Space
		Plague Ship
		Voodoo Planet
		Postmarked the Stars
	The Forerunner Series:
		Storm Over Warlock
		Ordeal in Otherwhere
		Forerunner Foray [1973]
Norton, Andre [nee Alice Mary Norton] & Crispin, A. C.
	Gryphon's Eyrie
Norwood, Warren C.
	The Windhover Tapes Series:
		The Windhover Tapes: An Image of Voices [1982]
		The Windhover Tapes: Flexing the Warp [1983]
		The Windhover Tapes: Fize of the Gabriel Ratchets
Norwood, Warren & Myllvs, Ralph
	The Seren Cenacles
Nourse, Alan E[dward] [,M.D.] [1928- ]
	A Man Obsessed [1955] [abr. of "The Mercy Men"]
	Trouble on Titan [1955] [juvenile]
	Rocket to Limbo [1957]
	Star Surgeon [1959] [alien attempts to train as earth doctor, attacks bigotry, juvenile]
	Scavengers in Space [1959] [juvenile]
	Raiders from the Rings [1962] [juvenile]
	The Universe Between [1965]
	The Bladerunner [1974] [juvenile]
	Tiger By the Tail and Other Science Fiction Stories [1961] [col.] [aka "Beyond Infinity"]
	The Counterfeit Man and Others [1963] [col.]
	Psi High and Other Stories [1967] [col.]
	Rx for Tomorrow [1971] [col.] [juvenile]
Nourse, Alan E[dward] & Meyer, J. A.
	The Invaders Are Coming [1959]
Nowlan, Phillip Francis [1887-1940]
	Armageddon 2419 AD [1962] [original Buck Rogers] (2)
Nye, Robert
O'Donnell, Kevin M., Jr. [pseudonym of Barry N. Malzberg]
	The Journeys of McGill Feighan:
	War of Omission
	The Empty People
	Gather in the Hall of the Planets
	Univers Day
	Dwellers of the Deep
	Final War and Other Fantasies [col.]
	In the Pocket and Other S-F Stories [col.]
Offutt, Andrew J.
	Ardor on Aros
	King Dragon
	The Mists of Doom
	The Sword of Skelos (Conan #3)
Offutt, Andrew J. & Lyon
	Demon in the Mirror
	Web of the Spider
Oliver, Chad
	The Winds of Time
	Shadows in the Sun
	The Shores of Another Sea
	Another Kind
O'Neill, Scott
	Martian Sexpot
Orkow, ben
	When Time Stood Still
Orwell, George [nee Eric Arthur Blair] [India, U.K., 1903-1950]
	Animal Farm [1945] [political allegory]
	1984 [1949] [dystopia, totalitarianism] (7)
Page, Thomas
	The Hephaestus Plague
Palmer, David R. [U.S.A., 1941- ]
	Emergence [1984]
Palumbo, Dennis
	City Wars
Pangborn, Edgar [U.S.A., 1909-1976]
	West of the Sun [1953]
	A Mirror for Observers [1954] [IFA 1955] (2)
	The Post Holocaust Stories:
		Davy [1964] [post-holocaust return to medieval times] (6)
		The Judgement of Eve [1966]
		The Company of Glory [1975] [prequel to Davy]
		Still I Persist in Wondering [1978] [col.]
	Good Neighbors and Other Strangers [1972] [col.]
	Atlantean Nights' Entertainments [col.] [projected title]
Panshin, Alexei [1940- ]
	Rite of Passage [1968] [Nebula 1968] [rite of passage] (10)
	The Anthony Villiers Adventures: (2)
		Star Well [1968]
		The Thurb Revolution [1968]
		Masque World
Paxson, Diana
	Lady of Light
	Lady of Darkness
Peake, Mervyn [Laurence] [,F.R.S.L.] [China, U.K., 1911-1968]
	The Gormenghast Trilogy [omnibus] [fantasy]
		Titus Groan [1946]
		Gormenghast [1950]
		Titus Alone [1959]
Petaja, Emil
	The Stolen Sun
	Caves of Mars
	The Time Twister
	Saga of Lost Earths
Pfeil, Donald J.
	Voyage to a Forgotten Sun [1975]
	Through the Reality Warp
	Look Back to Earth
Phillifent, John T.
	Genius Unlimited
Pierce, Meredith Ann
	The Darkangel [fantasy, juvenile, vampire]
Pini, Wendy & Richard
	Elfquest: Journey to Sorrows End [1982] [fantasy, magic]
	Elfquest, books 1-4 [graphic novels] (2)
Pinkwater, Daniel
	The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death [fun] (2)
Piper, H. Beam [U.S.A., 1900-1964]
	The Terran Federation Stories: [future history, rise and fall of civilization]
		Four Day Planet [1961] [juvenile]
		The Cosmic Computer [1963] [aka "Junkyard Planet"] [interstellar federation] (3)
		The Space Viking [1963] [interstellar war] (2)
		The Little Fuzzy Series: [sympathetic aliens, humour] (4)
			The Fuzzy Papers [1977] [omnibus] (2)
				Little Fuzzy [1962] (8)
				The Other Human Race [1964] [aka "Fuzzy Sapiens"] (2)
	The Paratime Stories: [policing alternate worlds]
		Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen [1965] [alternate history, military] (6)
		Paratime [alternate earths] (2)
Piper, H. Beam & McGuire, John J.
	Crisis in 2140 [1957] [aka "Null-ABC"] [literacy]
	A Planet for Texans [1958] [sf western]
Piserchia, Doris
	The Dimensioneers
	The Spinner
Platt, Kin
	The Boy Who Could Make Himself Disappear
Poe, Edgar Allen [U.S.A., 1809-1849]
	The Fall of the House of Usher [1839]
Pohl, Frederik [U.S.A., 1919- ]
	The Heechee Trilogy: [near future, alien artifacts] (2)
		Gateway [1977] [Hugo 1978] [Nebula 1977] (13)
		Beyond the Blue Event Horizon [1980]
		Heechee Rendezvous [1984]
	Slave Ship [1957]
	Drunkard's Walk [1960]
	The Age of the Pussyfoot [1969]
	Jem [1978]
	Man Plus [1976] [Nebula 1976] [cyborg] (2)
	In the Problem Pit
	Edge of the City
	A Plague of Pythons
	The Cool War
	The Gold at the Starbow's End [1972]
	Demon in the Skull
	The Best of Frederik Pohl [1975]
	The Abominable Earthman [col.]
	Digits and Dastards [1966] [col.]
	Alternating Currents [col.]
	Tomorrow Times Seven [col.]
	Turn Left at Thursday [col.]
	The Man Who Ate the World [col.]
	The Case Against Tomorrow [col.]
	Day Million [col.]
Pohl, Frederik & Kornbluth, Cyril M.
	The Space Merchants [1953] [extrapolation, satire on advertising] (6)
	Search the Sky [1954] [colonies, far future, matriarchal society]
	Gladiator-at-Law [1955] [extrapolation, satire on business] (3)
	Wolfbane [1957] [invasion, cyborg]
	Presidential Year
	A Town is Drowning
	The Wonder Effect [1962] [col.]
Pohl, Frederik & Williamson, Jack
	Farthest Star [1975]
	Wall Around a Star
	The Undersea Books:
		Undersea Quest
		Undersea Fleet
		Undersea City
	The Starchild Trilogy:
		The Reefs of Space [1964]
		Starchild [1965]
		Rogue Star [1969]
	Exiles to Glory
Pope, Elizabeth Marie
	The Perilous Gard
Pournelle, Jerry [,Ph.D.] [U.S.A., ]
	High Justice [military]
	The Mercenary [military]
	West of Honour [military]
	Janissaries [military]
	King David's Spaceship [military]
	Exiles to Glory [military]
	Escape From the Planet of the Apes
Pournelle, Jerry & Green, Roland
	Clan and Crown [sequel to Janissaries]
Powers, Tim
	The Anubis Gates [time travel] (2)
	The Drawing of the Dark [1979] [fantasy, humour]
	Dinner at Deviant's Palace
Pratchett, Terry
	The Carpet People
	The Dark Side of the Sun [1976]
	The Colour of Magic [1983] [fantasy, humour, magic] (3)
Pratt, [Murray] Fletcher [U.S.A., 1897-1956]
	Alien Planet [1932]
	The Well of the Unicorn [1948] [as George U. Fletcher] [fantasy]
	The Blue Star [1952] [fantasy]
	Invaders from Rigel [1960]
	The Undying Fire
Prescot, Dray
	Delia of Vallia
Prest, Thomas Prescott
	Varney, the Vampyre, or the Feast of Blood [1847] [gory gothic chiller]
Preuss, Paul
	The Gates of Heaven [1980]
	Re-entry [1981]
	Broken Symmetries
Priest, Christopher
	The Inverted World
	Fugue for a Darkening Island [influx of african refugees to england sparks race war]
	The Perfect Lover
	The Affirmation [1981] [nature of memory, paranoia]
	The Glamour [1984] [paranoia, fractured reality]
	Real-Time World [1974] [col.]
	An Infinite Summer [1981] [col.]
Price, E. Hoffman [U.S.A., 1898- ]
	The Jade Enchantress [fantasy, chinese mythology]
	The Devil Wives of Li Fong [1979] [fantasy, chinese mythology]
Purdom, Tom
	The Tree Lord of Imeten
	The Barons of Behaviour
	Against Arcturus
Rackham, John
	Time Thieves
	Earth Strings
	Danger from Vega
	The Double Invaders
Radcliffe, Ann
	The Mysteries of Udolpho [1794] [classic gothic]
Rand, Ayn [U.S.S.R., U.S.A., ]
	Anthem [1938] [dystopia]
	Atlas Shrugged [1957] [capitalism uber alles, railroads cause collapse of civilization]
Randall, Marta
	Those Who Favour Fire
	The Sword of Winter
	Journey [family saga in space]
	Operation Umanaq
Raymond, Alex
	The Flash Gordon Series:
		Flash Gordon: The Lionmen of Mongo
		Flash Gordon: The Plague of Sound
		Flash Gordon: The Space Circus
		Flash Gordon: The Time Trap of Ming VIII
		Flash Gordon: The Witch Queen of Mongo
Reamy, Tom [U.S.A., 1935-1977]
	Blind Voices [realistic fantasy!?]
	San Diego Lightfoot Sue and Other Stories [1979] [col.] [title story-Nebula 1976] [fantasy] (2)
Reaves, J. Michael
	The Shattered World
	Darkworld Detective
Reaves, J. Michael & Perry, Steven
Reed, Kit
	Magic Time
Reeve, Clara
	The Old English Baron [1777] [classic gothic]
Resnick, mike
	Tales of the Velvet Comet #1: Eros Ascending
	The Wild Alien Tamer (Tales of the Galactic Midway #3)
	The Branch
Reynolds, Mack
	The Joe Mauser Series:
		Mercenary from Tomorrow
		The Earth War
		Time Gladiator
		Fracas Factor
	The United Planets Series:
		Section G: United Planet
		Code Duello
		Planetary Agent X
		The Rival Rigelians
		Amazon Planet
		Dawnman Planet
		Brain World
	The North Africa Series:
		Black Man's Burden
		Border, Breed, Nor Birth
		The Best Ye Breed
	The Towers of Utopia
	Ability Quotient
	Lagrange Five
	Satellite City
	Day After Tomorrow
	Looking Backward from the Year 2,000
	Computer War
	Depression or Bust
	Equality in the Year 2000
	Five Way Secret Agent
	Galactic Medal of Honour
Reynolds, Mack & Ing
	Other Time
	Trojan Orbit
Richmond, Walt & Leigh
	Shock Wave
Roberts, Keith [U.K., ]
	Pavane [1966] [alternate history]
	The Furies
Robinson, Frank M.
	A Life in the Day of .... and Other Stories [col.]
Robinson, Kim Stanley
	The Wild Shore [1984] [post-holocaust] (2)
	Icehenge [1984] [interpretation of history]
Robinson, Philip Bedford [U.K., ]
	Masque of a Savage Mandarin [1969] [dark humour, psychopathology]
Robinson, Spider [U.S.A., Canada, ]
	Telempath [1976] [novelization of "By Any Other Name"-Hugo 1977]
	Mindkiller [1982] (4)
	The Best of All Possible Worlds
	Melancholy Elephants
	The Callahan Books: [tales told in a bar, humour]
		Callahan's Crosstime Saloon [1977] [col.] (9)
		Time Travellers Strictly Cash [1981] [col.] (2)
	Antimony [col.]
Robinson, Spider & Jeanne
	Stardance [novelized Hugo winner 1983?] (4)
	The Men and the Mirror
	The Sun Destroyers
Rohmer, Sax [nee Arthur Henry[changed to Sarsfield] Ward] [U.K., 1883-1959]
	The Day The World Ended [1930]
Rosenberg, Joel
	The Guardians of the Flame Series: [fantasy, magic, adventure] (2)
		The Sleeping Dragon
		The Sword and the Chain
		The Silver Flame
Roshwald, Mordecai
	Level 7
Roth, philip
	Our Gang [1971] [sf-cloaked attack on president nixon]
Rothman, Tony
	The World is Round
Rotsler, William
	Patron of the Arts
	To the land of the Electric Angel
Rucker, Rudy
	Software [mind and nature of consciousness]
Russ, Joanna [,B.A.] [U.S.A., 1937- ]
	Picnic on Paradise [1968]
	And Chaos Died [1970] [psi, lost colony]
	The Female Man [1975] [sex roles]
	We Who Are About To .... [1977]
	The Two of Them [1978]
	Alyx [1976] [col.] [includes "Picnic on Paradise"] [fantasy, strong female heroine]
	The Zanzibar Cat [col.]
	Extra(ordinary) People [col.]
Russell, Eric Frank [U.K., 1905-1978]
	Sinister Barrier [1948]
	Dreadful Sanctuary [1951] [conspiracy]
	Three to Conquer [1956]
	Wasp [1957] [adventure, humour] (2)
	The Space Willies [1958] [humour] (2)
	The Great Explosion [1962] [satire]
	The Mindwarpers [1965]
	Sentinels from Space [1953] [aka "Sentinels of Space"]
	Deep Space [1954] [col.]
	Men, Martians and Machines [1955] [col.] [adventure, robots] (4)
	Six Worlds yonder [1958] [col.]
	Somewhere a Voice [1965] [col.]
	The Best of Eric Frank Russell [1979] [col.]
Ryan, Thomas J. [U.S.A., 1942- ]
	The Adolescence of P-1 [1977] [ai, computers, networks]
Saberhagen, Fred[erick] [Thomas] [1930- ]
	Empire of the East [war, post-holocaust, magic, future history] (5)
	Love Conquers All
	The Mask of the Sun
	The Veils of Azlaroc
	The Black Mountains [1971]
	The Golden People
	The Water of Thought
	The Broken Lands
	Specimens [1976]
	The Book of Swords
		The First Book of Swords
		The Second Book of Swords
		The Third Book of Swords
	The Dracula Series: [fantasy, vampire]
		The Holmes-Dracula File [Holmes meets Dracula]
		The Dracula Tape
		An Old Friend of the Family
	The Berserker Series: [killer robots]
		Berserker [1967] [col.] (2)
		Berserker Man
		Berserker's Planet [1975]
		Brother Assassin [1969]
		The Ultimate Enemy
		Berserker Base
	Pawn to Infinity [col.]
Saberhagen, Fred[erick] [Thomas] & Zelazny, Roger [Joseph]
St. Clair
	The Dancers of Noyo
Salgari, Emilio [Italy, ]
	The King of the Air [1906:] [a verne imitation]
	The Wonders of the Year 2000 [1908:] [a verne imitation]
Salmonson, Jessica Amanda
	The Tomoe Gozen Trilogy: [fantasy set in mythical japan]
		Tomoe Gozen
		The Golden Naginata
		Thousand Shrine Warrior
	The Swordswoman
	Ou Lu Khen and the Beautiful Madwoman
Sanders, Lawrence
	The Tomorrow File
Santesson, Hans Stefan
	The Mighty Swordsmen
	The Sound of His Horn [alternate history, nazis win wwii]
Sargeant, Pamela
Scarborough, Elizabeth
	Bronwyn's Bane
	The Christening Quest
	The Unicorn Creed
	The Harem of Aman Akbar
	The Song of Sorcery
Schenck, Hilbert
	Wave Rider [1980] [col.]
	At the Eye of the Ocean [1981]
	A Rose for Armageddon [1982]
Schmidt, Dennis
Schmitz, James H. [1911- ]
	The Telzy Amberdon Stories:
		The Universe Against Her [1964] [psi]
		The Telzey Toy [1973] [col.]
		The Lion Game [1973] (2)
	A Tale of Two Clocks [1962] [aka "Legacy"]
	The Witches of Karres [1966] [magic, rites of passage, witchcraft vs. technology] (10)
	The Demon Breed [1968] [interplanetary war] (2)
	The Eternal Frontiers [1973]
	Agent of Vega [1960] [col.] [adventure] (2)
	A Nice Day For Screaming and Other Tales of the Hub [1965] [col.]
	A Pride of Monsters [1970] [col.]
Scholz, Carter & Harcourt, Glenn
	Palimpsests [1984]
Schwartz, Alan
	The Wandering Tellurian
Schweitzer, Darrell
	The Shattered Goddess
Scortia, Thomas
	Caution! Inflammable!
Scott, Melissa
	Game Beyond
	Five-Twelfths of Heaven
Selley, Curt
	I, Zombie
Selling, Arthur
Serviss, Garrett P. [U.S.A., 1851-1929]
	The Second Deluge [1911] [Noah's Ark redone]
	A Columbus of Space
	Invasion of Mars [1898] [Thomas Edison retaliates against Wells' martians]
Sharkey, Jack
	Secret Martians
Shaw, Bob [/Robert] [U.K., 1931- ]
	Orbitsville [1975]
	A Wreath of Stars
	Ship of Strangers
	Other Days, Other Eyes
	Ground Zero Man
	One Million Tomorrows
	The Palace of Eternity
	The Two Timers
	The Ceres Solution
	Shadows of Heaven
	Tomorrow Lies in Ambush [1973] [col.]
	Cosmic Kaleidoscope [col.]
Shaw, Frederick L., Jr.
	Envoy to the Dog Star
Shea, Michael
	A Quest for Simbilis
gjerawlins%watdaisy@waterloo.csnet                        Gregory J. E. Rawlins
gjerawlins%watdaisy%waterloo.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa       CS Dept., U. Waterloo 
{allegra,utzoo,inhp4,decvax}!watmath!watdaisy!gjerawlins  Waterloo, Ont. N2L3G1