[mod.computers.vax] Another editor in MAIL


Is it possible to use another editor (than EDT) when using the VMS mail
utility?  I would prefer to use the EMACS editor on my uVAX.  
Is there some logical variable that contains a pointer to a default
editor and can I change it?  Any suggestions would be welcome.  I'd
prefer not to edit (using EMACS) the message ahead of time and then using
the SEND command.

-Ric Steinberger


wolf@bbn-isis-vax.ARPA.UUCP (03/05/87)

The MAIL manual tells you to define logical name MAIL$EDIT to point to
a command procedure to do it.  If you use Unipress EMACS, then
should do it for you.  (After you enter/edit your message, do ^X^S, them
then pause-emacs.)



    Is it possible to use another editor (than EDT) when using the VMS mail
    utility?  I would prefer to use the EMACS editor on my uVAX.  
    Is there some logical variable that contains a pointer to a default
    editor and can I change it?  Any suggestions would be welcome.  I'd
    prefer not to edit (using EMACS) the message ahead of time and then using
    the SEND command.

MAIL$EDIT can be the name of a command file to start up your editor, or a
string of the form CALLABLE_xxx if xxx is an editor image that MAIL can start
with a LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL, and which supports the standard editor inter-
face.  (In practice, this means xxx = EDT or TPU).

Here's the command file my MAIL$EDIT logical points to:

$ !++
$ ! Command procedure to invoke an editor for MAIL.
$ !
$ ! Input:
$ !
$ !	P1 = Input file name.
$ !	P2 = Output file name.
$ !--
$ !
$ if p1 .eqs. "" then kmake 'p2'
$ if p1 .nes. "" then kteco 'p1' 'p2'

							-- Jerry


    Is it possible to use another editor (than EDT) when using the VMS mail
    utility?  I would prefer to use the EMACS editor on my uVAX.  
    Is there some logical variable that contains a pointer to a default
    editor and can I change it?  Any suggestions would be welcome.  I'd
    prefer not to edit (using EMACS) the message ahead of time and then using
    the SEND command.

MAIL$EDIT can be the name of a command file to start up your editor, or a
string of the form CALLABLE_xxx if xxx is an editor image that MAIL can start
with a LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL, and which supports the standard editor inter-
face.  (In practice, this means xxx = EDT or TPU).

Here's the command file my MAIL$EDIT logical points to:

$ !++
$ ! Command procedure to invoke an editor for MAIL.
$ !
$ ! Input:
$ !
$ !	P1 = Input file name.
$ !	P2 = Output file name.
$ !--
$ !
$ if p1 .eqs. "" then kmake 'p2'
$ if p1 .nes. "" then kteco 'p1' 'p2'

							-- Jerry