[mod.computers.vax] 8700 Console Subsystem Questions

RGERBER@NYBVX1.BITNET (Robert M. Gerber) (03/18/87)

In answer to the questions posed by SBAILEY about the VAX 8700 console system:
(I could not send directly to SBAILEY...I got an unknow host from WISCVM)

        1) The PRO (a 380) runs P/OS...in other words it runs standard PRO
           software.  The console program is a PRO application.

        2) When the console dies...it dies and you have to call DEC F/S.
           From what I know the PRO is reliable.  The cable into the system
            is a 50(?) pin cable.

        3) Software for the console is Field Service (as always)  It comes on
           around 17-19 RX50 floppies.  The PRO comes with the software already
           loaded, so at least initially an hour+ is saved.

        4) Other suggestions:
                a) Get a printer-- an LA75 + appropriate cable.
                b) (Comment) The console system is the same for the

        This information is from my experiences with an 8500 delivered last
week.  The console manual is the same for all of the abve mentioned systems.
I hope this has helped.

        Just for the record the 82xx/83xx systems use a microcoded console
similar to the 11/750.

------- Robert Gerber           These opinions are not those of my employer or
        Comtex Systems          the client I am at.  However they may no be
                                mine either!
