BRENT@uwovax.UWO.CDN (Brent Sterner) (03/18/87)
In reply to my query for a CPU time limit setting command, Brian Beesley was kind enough to send along his FORTRAN program and 2 assembler routines. We found the assembler routines just fine, but the interface via FORTRAN to be clumsy. So we hacked the interface in "C", and have the following product available for the world. (Apologies for the length). SET_TIME n treats "n" as a delta time (in seconds), and sets the time limit for your process to the sum of your current elapsed CPU time and "n" minutes. SET_TIME is define at UWO CCS as a foreign command. The EXE processes "n". Treating "n" in minutes prevents ridiculously low limits from being set. As a delta time, inconsistencies associated with setting the limit less than elapsed CPU time are avoided. We are planning on implementing batch queues with time limits. So we made the command into a no-op for batch queues (SUBMIT lets you control the CPU limit adequately). The program requires CMKRNL privilege, and so is INSTALLed at our site. In limited testing it behaves as intended. The author included some caveats which follow (his own words). Following that is all our code along with the MAR routines to actually set the limit and read it back for confirmation. Feel free to suggest improvements or modify this code for your own site usage. Brent. ---------------- Brent, Here's the package for CPU override. I've tested it with VMS V4.5 (after originally developing under VMS V3.7) and it works OK. But, the macro routines must be recompiled and the image relinked after an OS upgrade - well, major upgrades anyway. The Fortran source is "skeletal", please feel free to improve the user interface to your own convenience. The hard work gets done in macro anyway. The program simply reads the new CPU limit as a long integer in 10mS units (i.e. enter 6000 for 1 minute, etc) and sets the CPU limit. Enter zero for infinite CPU. The program then reports the new CPU limit, again in 10mS units. Notes: a "strange" value may be set if you attempt to set a CPU limit smaller than the current elapsed CPU of the process. Also the program may "appear" to work if the process isn't sufficiently priveleged (needs CMKRNL) but in this case the limit isn't changed - what I mean is that I didn't bother to put in a check for CMKRNL but the priveleged routine does nothing without the required priveleges set. (The project dates from a time when we were looking at letting all our users log on at priority 5 with a small CPU limit, then allowing them to get more CPU in return for a drop in base priority. It was dropped for "political" reasons rather than technical difficulties). Following are four short text files: one Fortran source, two Macro source and a command file to compile & link. Best wishes Brian Beesley **** CPU.FOR **** READ (5,200) ICPU 200 FORMAT(I6) CALL CPUW(%REF(ICPU)) CALL CPUR(%REF(ICPU)) WRITE (6,100) ICPU 100 FORMAT (1X,'CPUTIME: ',I12) END **** CPUR.MAR **** (duplicated later) **** CPUW.MAR **** (duplicated later) **** CPU.COM **** $ for cpu $ mac cpur $ mac cpuw $ lin cpu,cpur,cpuw,sys$system:sys.stb **** end of files **** Brent, Please feel at liberty to make as much in the way of improvement as you wish to the "main program". Also distribute to the net by all means ... bearing in mind the potential hazard to security when intercepted by undesirable beings with too much privelege! I would think the main areas to aim for are: (1) making input values "user friendly" (e.g. 30:00.00 instead of 180000) (2) if you want to run at logon time, look at day of week and hour of day (or load on machine?) then calculate a limit for the user (3) installing with privelege - don't forget to lose the symbols and traceback, else VMS V4 won't let you do this Incidentally, if you list the macros included in the assembler modules that I supplied you with, it will become obvious how to do other things with the entries in the process table - e.g. change user name, page file quota, ... a real hacker's dream! Best wishes Brian Beesley Warning on anything using CMKRNL ... all checking for illegal addresses etc is removed in kernel mode. Therefore any code which does anything daft in kernel mode will very probably cause the machine to lie down and stick its feet in the air, maybe even destroying a disk or two before finally coming to rest. Dependencies in the code I supplied are as follows: CPUR.MAR & CPUW.MAR *must* be recompiled if a new release of the operating system contains a modified SYS$LIBRARY:MACROLIB.MLB The image *must* be relinked if SYS$SYSTEM:SYS.STB has been updated (or following recompilation of the .MAR files) The Fortran bit probably never needs to be recompiled. Old, old .OBJ's created under VMS V1 still seem to link OK, though you might get better code from the optimizer by recompiling with a later version. As regards future compatibility, there's nothing in the code which DEC could take out without a complete restructure of the OS. So far as process tables are concerned, this did in fact happen between VMS V3 and V4 but the code still works. This bodes well for the future, although I am of course not in a position to answer for the VMS development team! (Of course, LOGINOUT.EXE does something similar to create the process table entries in the first place, by reading values from SYSUAF and stuffing them into the table slots. So long as it is possible to create a process table entry in this way, it must be possible to change it afterwards). Brian Beesley p.s. You've probably guessed that the call to CPUR is, in fact, for reassurance only and is not neccessary to merely set the CPU limit. pps. If you're relatively new to VAX, a couple of hours spent in a quiet corner with the System Services and Run-Time Library manuals will prove to be time well spent. Leave I/O till later, it's less neccessary (unless you're into comms in a big way) and a lot harder to get a grip on. --------------- Thanks also to Jeremy Skelton, London School of Economics, who had a C program, but we were already well on the way by the time his offer arrived. ============= UWO CCS CODE NOW FOLLOWS ============ (Brent) ------------- TIME_LIMIT.C --------------------- #include <stdio.h> #include <ssdef.h> #include <jpidef.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "accounting.h" #include "$quidef.h" #include "$jbcdef.h" #include "descript.h" static int jpi_cputim, junk; static int name_len, search_flags; static char queue_name[32]; static struct iolist jpilist[] = { {4,JPI$_CPUTIM,&jpi_cputim,&junk}, {0,0,0,0}}; static struct iolist quilist[] = { {4,QUI$_SEARCH_FLAGS,&search_flags,0}, {31,QUI$_QUEUE_NAME,queue_name,&name_len}, {0,0,0,0}}; main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int cputime, delta_time; int limit_hr, limit_min, limit_sec, limit_hsec; int now_hr, now_min, now_sec, now_hsec; int temp, test_len; char char_test[20]; struct IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb; search_flags = QUI$M_SEARCH_THIS_JOB; SYS$GETQUIW(0, /* No event flag */ QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB, /* Function code */ 0, /* Reserved for Dec */ &quilist, /* Item list:a structure*/ &iosb, /* IO status block */ 0, /* No AST routine */ 0); /* No AST paramater */ if(name_len > 0) { fprintf(stdout,"UWOCC-W-NBQ Set_time not implemented for Batch queues\n" exit(); } if(argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr,"UWOCC-F-Insuficient parameters\n"); exit(); } sprintf(char_test,argv[1]); test_len = strlen(char_test); for(temp = 0;temp < test_len;temp++) { if(isalpha(char_test[temp])) { fprintf(stdout,"UWOCC-F-NNINPT Non numeric input\n"); exit(); } } sscanf(argv[1],"%d",&cputime); if (cputime == 0) { delta_time = 0; cpuw(&delta_time); cpur(&delta_time); fprintf(stdout,"Time set to infinite \n"); } else { SYS$GETJPI(0,0,0, /* No event flag, same job */ &jpilist, /* Item list */ 0,0,0); /* No IO status block or AST */ delta_time = jpi_cputim + (cputime * 60 * 100); cpuw(&delta_time); cpur(&delta_time); now_hr = jpi_cputim / 360000; temp = jpi_cputim - (now_hr * 360000); now_min = temp /6000; temp = temp - (now_min * 6000); now_sec = temp / 100; now_hsec = temp - (now_sec * 100); limit_hr = delta_time / 360000; temp = delta_time - (limit_hr * 360000); limit_min = temp / 6000; temp = temp - (limit_min * 6000); limit_sec = temp / 100; limit_hsec = temp - (limit_sec * 100); fprintf(stdout,"Cpu time %02d:%02d:%02d.%02d Limit time %02d:%02d:%0 now_hr, now_min, now_sec, now_hsec, limit_hr, limit_min, limit_sec, limit_hsec); } } ------------- CPUR.MAR ---------------------- .TITLE CPUR .LIBRARY /SYS$LIBRARY:LIB/ $PCBDEF $PHDDEF CPU: .LONG 0 CPUR:: .WORD $CMKRNL_S CPURF, MOVL CPU,@4(AP) RET CPURF: .WORD MOVL @#SCH$GL_CURPCB,R0 MOVL PCB$L_PHD(R0),R0 MOVL PHD$L_CPULIM(R0),CPU RET .END ------------- CPUW.MAR ---------------------- .TITLE CPUW .LIBRARY /SYS$LIBRARY:LIB/ $PCBDEF $PHDDEF CPU: .LONG 0 CPUW:: .WORD MOVL @4(AP),CPU $CMKRNL_S CPUWF, RET CPUWF: .WORD MOVL @#SCH$GL_CURPCB,R0 MOVL PCB$L_PHD(R0),R0 MOVL CPU,PHD$L_CPULIM(R0) RET .END ------------- $JBCDEF.H ---------------------- /* File: $jbcdef.h */ #define JBC$_FACILITY 4 /* */ /* THE FOLLOWING CODES ARE RETURNED BY THE $SNDJBC, $GETQUI, $SNDJBC, AND $SNDSM /* SYSTEM SERVICES, OR PLACED IN THE ACCOUNTING FILE. */ /* */ /* THESE VALUES ARE PUBLIC AND MUST NOT CHANGE FROM RELEASE TO RELEASE. */ /* */ /* NOTE: ERROR CODES WITH ASSOCIATED TEXT OF <> ARE RETIRED ERROR CODES A /* A SEVERITY LEVEL OF SEVERE. */ /* */ #define JBC$_NORMAL 262145 /* <normal success completion> */ #define JBC$_NOCMKRNL 272386 /* <operation requires CMKRNL privilege> * #define JBC$_NOOPER 272530 /* <operation requires OPER privilege> */ #define JBC$_NOSYSNAM 272402 /* <operation requires SYSNAM privilege> * #define JBC$_ILLDEVNAM 294916 #define JBC$_UNSDEVTYP 294924 #define JBC$_ILLFILNAM 294932 #define JBC$_INVQUENAM 294940 #define JBC$_NOPRIV 294946 #define JBC$_NOQUEHDR 294956 #define JBC$_NOQUESPACE 294962 #define JBC$_NOSUCHQUE 294970 #define JBC$_NOSUCHJOB 294978 #define JBC$_NOOPENJOB 294986 #define JBC$_REFERENCED 294994 #define JBC$_STARTED 295002 #define JBC$_INVITMCOD 295012 #define JBC$_INVFUNCOD 295020 #define JBC$_EMPTYJOB 295026 #define JBC$_JOBQUEDIS 295034 #define JBC$_JOBABORT 295044 #define JBC$_ACMINVOP 295052 #define JBC$_INVPARLEN 295060 #define JBC$_TRMMBXUSE 295068 #define JBC$_MAXSYMEXD 295076 #define JBC$_SCTTABFUL 295084 #define JBC$_CREPRCFAL 295092 #define JBC$_SYMNTBFUL 295100 #define JBC$_NODSTQUE 295106 #define JBC$_INVDSTQUE 295116 #define JBC$_JOBDELETE 295124 #define JBC$_NORESTART 295130 #define JBC$_JOBREQUEUE 295140 #define JBC$_QUERESET 295148 #define JBC$_SYSFAIL 295156 #define JBC$_EXECUTING 295162 #define JBC$_INVMSGBUF 295172 #define JBC$_MISREQPAR 295180 #define JBC$_INVPARVAL 295188 #define JBC$_INCQUETYP 295196 #define JBC$_INCDSTQUE 295204 #define JBC$_JOBQUEENA 295210 #define JBC$_NOTASSIGN 295218 #define JBC$_INCOMPLETE 295226 #define JBC$_INVCHANAM 295236 #define JBC$_INVFORNAM 295244 #define JBC$_NOSUCHCHAR 295250 #define JBC$_NOSUCHFORM 295258 #define JBC$_DUPFORM 295266 #define JBC$_INCFORMPAR 295276 #define JBC$_NOSUCHFILE 295282 #define JBC$_DELACCESS 295290 #define JBC$_QUENOTSTOP 295298 #define JBC$_NOMORECHAR 295306 #define JBC$_NOMOREFILE 295314 #define JBC$_NOMOREFORM 295322 #define JBC$_NOMOREJOB 295330 #define JBC$_NOMOREQUE 295338 #define JBC$_NOJOBCTX 295346 #define JBC$_NOQUECTX 295354 /* */ /* THE FOLLOWING CODES ARE SIGNALLED TO THE CONSOLE OR BROADCAST TO THE USER'S * /* TERMINAL BY THE JOB CONTROLLER. */ /* */ /* THESE MESSAGES ARE NOT PUBLIC AND MAY CHANGE FROM RELEASE TO REALEASE. */ /* */ /* NOTE: THE JOB CONTROLLER ABORTS EXECUTION AND RESTARTS ITSELF WHEN A SEVERE /* ERROR IS SIGNALLED TO THE CONSOLE. */ /* */ #define JBC$_ACCDISERR 295939 #define JBC$_ALLOCMEM 295948 #define JBC$_COMREMJBC 295956 #define JBC$_INVBLOCK 295964 #define JBC$_INVMSG 295970 #define JBC$_NEWQUEUE 295979 #define JBC$_OPEJBCMBX 295988 #define JBC$_PRCREAT 295996 #define JBC$_QUEFORMAT 296000 #define JBC$_REAJBCMBX 296012 #define JBC$_REQUEST 296019 #define JBC$_SETIMR 296026 #define JBC$_SYMCREPRC 296034 #define JBC$_SYMDEL 296042 #define JBC$_WRIRSPMSG 296050 #define JBC$_WRISMBMBX 296058 #define JBC$_NFY_COMPLETE 296067 #define JBC$_NFY_CURRENT 296075 #define JBC$_NFY_HOLD 296083 #define JBC$_NFY_PENDING 296091 #define JBC$_NFY_TIMER 296099 #define JBC$_STRUCT_LEVEL 296107 #define JBC$_DIAGNOSTIC 296112 #define JBC$_DIAG_TEXT 296120 #define JBC$_DIAG_DATA 296128 #define JBC$_RESTRICT 296136 #define JBC$_NFY_FAILURE 296147 #define JBC$_NFY_CPULIM 296155 #define JBC$_NFY_WSVAL 296163 ------------- $QUIDEF.H ---------------------- /*** MODULE $QUIDEF ***/ /* Get Queue Information Service */ /* */ /* NOTE: New items must always be added at the end so users will not have to */ /* relink. */ /* Function codes */ #define QUI$_CANCEL_OPERATION 1 /* Cancel a wildcard operation */ #define QUI$_DISPLAY_CHARACTERISTIC 2 /* Return characteristic attributes */ #define QUI$_DISPLAY_FILE 3 /* Return file attributes */ #define QUI$_DISPLAY_FORM 4 /* Return form attributes */ #define QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB 5 /* Return job attributes */ #define QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE 6 /* Return queue attributes */ #define QUI$_TRANSLATE_QUEUE 7 /* Validate and translate queue name */ #define QUI$_RESERVED_FUNC_1 8 /* Reserved for Digital use (name may cha #define QUI$_RESERVED_FUNC_2 9 /* Reserved for Digital use (name may cha /* Item codes */ #define QUI$_ACCOUNT_NAME 1 /* Job: Submitter's account name */ #define QUI$_AFTER_TIME 2 /* Job: /AFTER time */ #define QUI$_ASSIGNED_QUEUE_NAME 3 /* Queue: ASSIGN/QUEUE target */ #define QUI$_BASE_PRIORITY 4 /* Queue: /BASE_PRIORITY n */ #define QUI$_CHARACTERISTIC_NAME 5 /* Characteristic: Name */ #define QUI$_CHARACTERISTIC_NUMBER 6 /* Characteristic: Number */ #define QUI$_CHARACTERISTICS 7 /* Job, queue: /CHARACTERISTICS (c,...) * #define QUI$_CHECKPOINT_DATA 8 /* Job: Checkpoint data */ #define QUI$_CLI 9 /* Job: /CLI filename */ #define QUI$_COMPLETED_BLOCKS 10 /* Job: Completed blocks including checkp #define QUI$_CONDITION_VECTOR 11 /* Job: Completion status */ #define QUI$_CPU_DEFAULT 12 /* Queue: /CPUDEFAULT t */ #define QUI$_CPU_LIMIT 13 /* Job, queue: /CPUMAXIMUM t */ #define QUI$_DEVICE_NAME 14 /* Queue: /ON device */ #define QUI$_ENTRY_NUMBER 15 /* Job: Entry number */ #define QUI$_FILE_COPIES 16 /* File: /COPIES n */ #define QUI$_FILE_COPIES_CHKPT 17 /* File: File copies checkpoint */ #define QUI$_FILE_COPIES_DONE 18 /* File: File copies completed */ #define QUI$_FILE_FLAGS 19 /* File: Boolean information */ #define QUI$_FILE_SETUP_MODULES 20 /* File: /SETUP (module,...) */ #define QUI$_FILE_SPECIFICATION 21 /* File: Full file specification */ #define QUI$_FILE_STATUS 22 /* File: Status information */ #define QUI$_FIRST_PAGE 23 /* File: /PAGES (n,"") */ #define QUI$_FORM_DESCRIPTION 24 /* Form: /DESCRIPTION string */ #define QUI$_FORM_FLAGS 25 /* Form: Boolean information */ #define QUI$_FORM_LENGTH 26 /* Form: /LENGTH n */ #define QUI$_FORM_MARGIN_BOTTOM 27 /* Form: /MARGIN BOTTOM n */ #define QUI$_FORM_MARGIN_LEFT 28 /* Form: /MARGIN LEFT n */ #define QUI$_FORM_MARGIN_RIGHT 29 /* Form: /MARGIN RIGHT n */ #define QUI$_FORM_MARGIN_TOP 30 /* Form: /MARGIN TOP n */ #define QUI$_FORM_NAME 31 /* Form, job, queue: Form name */ #define QUI$_FORM_NUMBER 32 /* Form: Number */ #define QUI$_FORM_SETUP_MODULES 33 /* Form: /SETUP (module,...) */ #define QUI$_FORM_STOCK 34 /* Form: /STOCK stock-name */ #define QUI$_FORM_WIDTH 35 /* Form: /WIDTH n */ #define QUI$_GENERIC_TARGET 36 /* Queue: /GENERIC (queue-name,...) */ #define QUI$_INTERVENING_BLOCKS 37 /* Job: Intervening pending blocks */ #define QUI$_INTERVENING_JOBS 38 /* Job: Intervening pending jobs */ #define QUI$_JOB_COPIES 39 /* Job: /JOB_COUNT n */ #define QUI$_JOB_COPIES_CHKPT 40 /* Job: Job copies checkpoint */ #define QUI$_JOB_COPIES_DONE 41 /* Job: Job copies completed */ #define QUI$_JOB_FLAGS 42 /* Job: Boolean information */ #define QUI$_JOB_LIMIT 43 /* Queue: /JOB_LIMIT n */ #define QUI$_JOB_NAME 44 /* Job: Name */ #define QUI$_JOB_RESET_MODULES 45 /* Queue: /SEPARATE RESET (module,...) */ #define QUI$_JOB_SIZE 46 /* Job: Total blocks in job */ #define QUI$_JOB_SIZE_MAXIMUM 47 /* Queue: /BLOCK_LIMIT n */ #define QUI$_JOB_SIZE_MINIMUM 48 /* Queue: /BLOCK_LIMIT (n,"") */ #define QUI$_JOB_STATUS 49 /* Job: Status information */ #define QUI$_LAST_PAGE 50 /* File: /PAGES n */ #define QUI$_LIBRARY_SPECIFICATION 51 /* Queue: /LIBRARY file-specification */ #define QUI$_LOG_QUEUE 52 /* Job: /PRINTER queue-name */ #define QUI$_LOG_SPECIFICATION 53 /* Job: /LOG_FILE file-specification */ #define QUI$_NOTE 54 /* Job: /NOTE string */ #define QUI$_OPERATOR_REQUEST 55 /* Job: /OPERATOR string */ #define QUI$_OWNER_UIC 56 /* Queue: /OWNER uic */ #define QUI$_PAGE_SETUP_MODULES 57 /* Form: /PAGE_SETUP (module,...) */ #define QUI$_PARAMETER_1 58 /* Job: /PARAMETER string */ #define QUI$_PARAMETER_2 59 #define QUI$_PARAMETER_3 60 #define QUI$_PARAMETER_4 61 #define QUI$_PARAMETER_5 62 #define QUI$_PARAMETER_6 63 #define QUI$_PARAMETER_7 64 #define QUI$_PARAMETER_8 65 #define QUI$_PRIORITY 66 /* Job: /PRIORITY n */ #define QUI$_PROCESSOR 67 /* Queue: /PROCESSOR filename */ #define QUI$_PROTECTION 68 /* Queue: /PROTECTION mask */ #define QUI$_QUEUE_FLAGS 69 /* Queue: Boolean information */ #define QUI$_QUEUE_NAME 70 /* Job, queue: Queue name */ #define QUI$_QUEUE_STATUS 71 /* Queue: Status information */ #define QUI$_REFUSAL_REASON 72 /* Job: Reason symbiont refused job */ #define QUI$_REQUEUE_PRIORITY 73 /* Job: Priority after requeue */ #define QUI$_REQUEUE_QUEUE_NAME 74 /* Job: Queue after requeue */ #define QUI$_SCSNODE_NAME 75 /* Queue: /ON node:: */ #define QUI$_SEARCH_FLAGS 76 /* Flags to control search */ #define QUI$_SEARCH_NAME 77 /* Object name to search for */ #define QUI$_SEARCH_NUMBER 78 /* Object number to search for */ #define QUI$_SUBMISSION_TIME 79 /* Job: Submission time */ #define QUI$_UIC 80 /* Job: Submitter's UIC */ #define QUI$_USERNAME 81 /* Job: Submitter's username */ #define QUI$_WSDEFAULT 82 /* Job, queue: /WSDEFAULT n */ #define QUI$_WSEXTENT 83 /* Job, queue: /WSEXTENT n */ #define QUI$_WSQUOTA 84 /* Job, queue: /WSQUOTA n */ #define QUI$_RESERVED_BOOLEAN_1 85 /* Reserved for Digital use (name may cha #define QUI$_RESERVED_BOOLEAN_2 86 /* Reserved for Digital use (name may cha #define QUI$_RESERVED_INPUT_1 87 /* Reserved for Digital use (name may cha #define QUI$_RESERVED_INPUT_2 88 /* Reserved for Digital use (name may cha #define QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_1 89 /* Reserved for Digital use (name may cha #define QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_2 90 /* Reserved for Digital use (name may cha #define QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_3 91 /* Reserved for Digital use (name may cha #define QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_4 92 /* Reserved for Digital use (name may cha #define QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_5 93 /* Reserved for Digital use (name may cha #define QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_6 94 /* Reserved for Digital use (name may cha /* */ /* Structure of FILE_FLAGS item. */ /* */ #define QUI$M_FILE_BURST 1 #define QUI$M_FILE_BURST_EXP 2 #define QUI$M_FILE_DELETE 4 #define QUI$M_FILE_DOUBLE_SPACE 8 #define QUI$M_FILE_FLAG 16 #define QUI$M_FILE_FLAG_EXP 32 #define QUI$M_FILE_TRAILER 64 #define QUI$M_FILE_TRAILER_EXP 128 #define QUI$M_FILE_PAGE_HEADER 256 #define QUI$M_FILE_PAGINATE 512 #define QUI$M_FILE_PASSALL 1024 #define QUI$M_FILE_PAGINATE_EXP 2048 /* */ /* Structure of FILE_STATUS item. */ /* */ #define QUI$M_FILE_CHECKPOINTED 1 #define QUI$M_FILE_EXECUTING 2 /* */ /* Structure of FORM_FLAGS item. */ /* */ #define QUI$M_FORM_SHEET_FEED 1 #define QUI$M_FORM_TRUNCATE 2 #define QUI$M_FORM_WRAP 4 /* */ /* Structure of JOB_FLAGS item. */ /* */ #define QUI$M_JOB_CPU_LIMIT 1 #define QUI$M_JOB_FILE_BURST 2 #define QUI$M_JOB_FILE_BURST_ONE 4 #define QUI$M_JOB_FILE_BURST_EXP 8 #define QUI$M_JOB_FILE_FLAG 16 #define QUI$M_JOB_FILE_FLAG_ONE 32 #define QUI$M_JOB_FILE_FLAG_EXP 64 #define QUI$M_JOB_FILE_TRAILER 128 #define QUI$M_JOB_FILE_TRAILER_ONE 256 #define QUI$M_JOB_FILE_TRAILER_EXP 512 #define QUI$M_JOB_LOG_DELETE 1024 #define QUI$M_JOB_LOG_NULL 2048 #define QUI$M_JOB_LOG_SPOOL 4096 #define QUI$M_JOB_LOWERCASE 8192 #define QUI$M_JOB_NOTIFY 16384 #define QUI$M_JOB_RESTART 32768 #define QUI$M_JOB_WSDEFAULT 65536 #define QUI$M_JOB_WSEXTENT 131072 #define QUI$M_JOB_WSQUOTA 262144 #define QUI$M_JOB_FILE_PAGINATE 524288 #define QUI$M_JOB_FILE_PAGINATE_EXP 1048576 /* */ /* Structure of JOB_STATUS item. */ /* */ #define QUI$M_JOB_ABORTING 1 #define QUI$M_JOB_EXECUTING 2 #define QUI$M_JOB_HOLDING 4 #define QUI$M_JOB_INACCESSIBLE 8 #define QUI$M_JOB_REFUSED 16 #define QUI$M_JOB_REQUEUE 32 #define QUI$M_JOB_RESTARTING 64 #define QUI$M_JOB_RETAINED 128 #define QUI$M_JOB_STARTING 256 #define QUI$M_JOB_TIMED 512 /* */ /* Structure of QUEUE_FLAGS item. */ /* */ #define QUI$M_QUEUE_BATCH 1 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_CPU_DEFAULT 2 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_CPU_LIMIT 4 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_FILE_BURST 8 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_FILE_BURST_ONE 16 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_FILE_FLAG 32 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_FILE_FLAG_ONE 64 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_FILE_TRAILER 128 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_FILE_TRAILER_ONE 256 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_GENERIC 512 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_GENERIC_SELECTION 1024 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_JOB_BURST 2048 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_JOB_FLAG 4096 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_JOB_SIZE_SCHED 8192 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_JOB_TRAILER 16384 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_RETAIN_ALL 32768 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_RETAIN_ERROR 65536 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_SWAP 131072 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_TERMINAL 262144 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_WSDEFAULT 524288 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_WSEXTENT 1048576 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_WSQUOTA 2097152 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_FILE_PAGINATE 4194304 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_RECORD_BLOCKING 8388608 /* */ /* Structure of QUEUE_STATUS item. */ /* */ #define QUI$M_QUEUE_ALIGNING 1 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_IDLE 2 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_LOWERCASE 4 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_OPERATOR_REQUEST 8 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_PAUSED 16 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_PAUSING 32 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_REMOTE 64 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_RESETTING 128 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_RESUMING 256 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_SERVER 512 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_STALLED 1024 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_STARTING 2048 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_STOPPED 4096 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_STOPPING 8192 #define QUI$M_QUEUE_UNAVAILABLE 16384 /* */ /* Definition of SEARCH_FLAGS */ /* */ #define QUI$M_SEARCH_ALL_JOBS 1 #define QUI$M_SEARCH_WILDCARD 2 #define QUI$M_SEARCH_BATCH 4 #define QUI$M_SEARCH_SYMBIONT 8 #define QUI$M_SEARCH_THIS_JOB 16 ------------- ACCOUNTING.H ------------------ ------------- (from another "C" project)-------- #include <stdio.h> #include <ssdef.h> #include <iodef.h> #include <stsdef.h> #include <descrip.h> #define EFN_MBX_INPUT 1 /* event flag for mailbox input */ #define SUCCESS(cond_value) (cond_value & STS$M_SUCCESS) #define FAILURE(cond_value) !(cond_value & STS$M_SUCCESS) struct IO_STATUS_BLOCK { unsigned short status; short transfer_count; unsigned long device_specific; }; #define DSC$K_DTYPE_BU 2 #define DSC$K_CLASS_S 1 #define DVI$_TT_PHYDEVNAM 0x00000112 ---------- DESCRIPT.H ------------ /* FIXED LENGTH DESCRIPTOR */ struct fix_len_descript { short b_len; char b_dtype; char b_clas; char *b_adr; } ; /* IOLIST DESCRIPTOR */ struct iolist { short item; short buflen; long *bufadr; long *retlen; } ; ------------- TIME_LIMIT.COM ---------------------- $ ! $ ! Build time_limit.exe for UWO CCS time limit command. $ ! Brent Sterner. March 3 1987. $ ! Modified by Chris Lee later in March. $ cc time_limit/lis $ macro/list cpur $ macro/list cpuw $ link/notrace/nodebug time_limit,cpur,cpuw,sys$system:sys.stb $ purge *.obj, *.exe $ ! **** end of files **** $exit ------------------------- As a last step, define time_limit as a foreign command to run the EXE file, and INSTALL with CMKRNL privileges. ------------------------- -- Brent Sterner *********************** Lord Protector, d i g i t a l Systems * * Computing & Communications Services * ...this space * Natural Sciences Building * for rent... * The University of Western Ontario * Apply within. * London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7 * * Telephone (519)661-2151 x6036 *********************** Network <BRENT@uwovax.UWO.CDN> ! VAX 8600 <A105@UWOCC1.BITNET> ! IBM 4341