[mod.computers.vax] VAX/VMS C-problem

DEGROOT@HWALHW50.BITNET (Kees de Groot [DEGROOT@HWALHW50]) (03/18/87)

One of my colleagues has the following problem:

In the version 2.2-015 of VAX C under VMS 4.4, the example below gives me
an outputfile with 8 lines, while earlier versions just resulted in 1 line.

Does anyone know if this is a bug or a feature in version 2.2??

#define wrs(s) write(fdout,s,strlen(s))
        int fdout;

        fdout = creat("fil.out",0,"rfm=var","rat=cr");

        wrs ("This "   );
        wrs ("text "   );
        wrs ("should " );
        wrs ("be "     );
        wrs ("on "     );
        wrs ("one "    );
        wrs ("line."   );
        wrs ("\n"      );

Tel. +31-8370-  .KeesdeGroot   (DEGROOT@HWALHW50.BITNET)  o\/o  THERE AINT NO
     (8)3557/   Wageningen Agricultural University         []   SUCH THING AS
        4030    Computer-centre, the Netherlands          .==.  A FREE LUNCH!

DISCLAIMER:     My opinions are my own alone and do not represent
                any official position of my employer.

TLI%Sargas@USC-OBERON.ARPA.UUCP (03/21/87)

This is a known 'feature' in the C runtime library.  It was first
discovered by those trying to port Gnuemacs.  There are no easy fixes.
