[mod.computers.vax] I'd recommend low-priority batch jobs too


I'd second John's comments about low priority batch jobs being a good
thing, provided you put a little effort into managing them.

Incidentally you don't need to write a program to suspend them when the
system gets busy; STOP/QUEUE will do that for you, so all you need is
a simple DCL procedure to detect an overloaded system (or to brief your
operators) (if you have operators).

If you enable working-set decrementing, you will find that many compute-
limited jobs will voluntarily decrement all the way down to 100 pages
or less; these can be left to soak up any spare time, leaving you with
a 100% utilised system, like ours at the moment...

Nigel Arnot (Dept. Physics, Kings college, Univ. of London;  U.K)

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