[mod.computers.vax] Answer To The 8530 Question And Other Mysteries..

CLAYTON@xrt.upenn.EDU.UUCP (03/24/87)

Information From TSO Financial - The Saga Continues...
Chapter 2 - March 23, 1987

In reference to the question of what is a 8530, its a new product anouncement 
that came to light in the recent past. Its suppose to provide a 30%+- 
enhancement over the original 8500. 

The snafu is that upgrade kits are not available from DEC. They are only 
selling complete boxes, and my sales lady says that upgrades such as the 8530
and 8550 are on hold until demand levels or something. In the meantime, anyone
that has an existing order in that is not currently in the build cycle, can have
the cpu upgraded, according to sales.

Just when you thought the cpu anouncements were slowing down and you could read
up on them and do some comparisons, DEC keeps pulling them from the hat.

Paul D. Clayton - Systems Manager
TSO Financial - Horsham, Pa. USA


My understanding is that the upgrade from and 8500 to an 8530 involves
MICROCODE ONLY (probably removing intentional delays) and that it will
be free.  We've got reason to believe ours will be done in late April.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Bob Paver	(512) 338-3316
Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corp. (MCC)
3500 West Balcones Center Drive
Austin, TX  78759

ARPA:  paver@mcc.com
UUCP:  {ihnp4,seismo,harvard,gatech}!ut-sally!im4u!milano!paver