From: Steven J. Zeve <ZEVE@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Some one asked about rumors of a new Stainless Steel Rat book (I'm afraid I don't remember who asked though, I just read SF-L from August 17th to current - Sep 11th - and forgot to take notes). Well, that rumor is true. The new book is A Stainless Steel Rat Is Born and as the title implies it is about Slippery Jim's youth, up to about age 19 I think. The book is an October release from Bantam under the Spectra line, it may be in your bookstore now for all I know. Releases fom several publishers seem to appear abouthte middle of the previous month. I found a copy of the book in the dealers room at the NASFIC. If you're a Harry Harrison or Stainless Steel Rat purist/collecter then by all means bop out and buy the book. Otherwise, well, maybe give it a pass. It's an easy enjoyable read like the other Stainless Steel Rat books but I found it somewhat disappointing. I felt that the young Jim diGriz was too basically competent at everything and behaved too much like the older Slippery Jim that we are accustomed too. It was less like watching the birth a stainless steel rat than it was like watching Slippery Jim magically made physically (but not mentally) young again. Imnstead of buying the book, I would recommend waiting for the library (or a friend) to buy a copy and then borrowing if you really want to read it. Steve Z. -------