[mod.computers.vax] "exceeded quota" error msg

agw%cpw@COLUMBIA.EDU.UUCP (03/26/87)


We are running Unipress EMACS and TeX 1.3 on VMS 4.5.
I have a KEPTEMACS hanging around.

When I do 
	$ dviqms foo
(to translate foo.dvi to foo.bit for a QMS laser printer), I get the
error message

%DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image TEX$:DVILG12.EXE
-CLI-E-IMGNAME, image file HSC000$DUa):[TEX]DVILG12.EXE;1
-SYSTEM-F-EXQUOTA, exceeded quota

If I kill my EMACS, this no longer happens.

Some more clues ... I get analogous problems when I run YACC
(regardless of whether there's an EMACS hanging around) and when I try
to do a M-x shell from within a KEPTEMACS.

What's causing this?   What quota am I busting?  Our systems people
have looked at this, and have been unable to figure out how I can
avoid this problem.  They suspect it may be a sneaky interaction of
several quotas being exceeded.
