As part of a computer upgrade we planned to provide departmental printing
off the Vaxen. We had thought that several desktop laser printers located
in the departments would be better than a single central printer ie take
the printing closer to the users.

A quick calculation of the cost of operating our LN03 laser printer over the
past year, including a 5 year amortization, maintenance, toner etc, revealed a
cost of 8.25 cents per page for 60,000 pages or $5000 per year!! While we love
the output this is too expensive for anything except final output.

My alternative appears to be dot-matrix printers in the departments and
a central laser for final output which adds complications and inconvenience
to their lives. It seems that simple, convenient, high quality and inexpensive
printers are not available for low-volume departmental use.

Perhaps some of you have wrestled with this problem and found better solutions
than I have. I would like to hear from you.

Jim Hancock <hancock@upei.bitnet>
Computer Centre
University of Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
C1A 4P3