[mod.computers.vax] Rumored native-mode BRU on a Decustape


  >  I've never heard of it, but I know Otto very well, and my general  instinct
  >  is  that  he  is quite likely to be correct.....  I will try to find it and
  >  see if I can test it out (I have decnetted rsx and vms machines....)...

  >  By the way, if this is a one time shot, by all means let me know....If  you
  >  wanted  to  send  several  (<10  or  so)  mag  tapes in bru format, I could
  >  probably xfer them to tk50's for you.

Sorry to disappoint you folks, but Costello's BRU sure doesn't look like
it's done in native mode, at least not to the image analyzer.

Analyze Image                                30-MAR-1987 14:40:07.83   Page 1


***  This file is not a VAX/VMS native image.

The analysis uncovered 1 error.

ANALYZE/IMAGE VAX86B:[COSTELLO]VAXBRURDR                                        